Kyla Question #2



Thank for your answer, and for once again reminding me of what I already knew. I found your words very comforting and can imagine I will go back and read them many more times over the next few days/weeks/months.

I'd like to delve further into the topic of my relationship(s) to my children. Are you able to get into the specifics of why they chose me as their mother? I believe it would be helpful for me in understanding the role I play in their realities, and the roles they play in mine. Is there anything I can do, aside from working on my own alignment, to ensure that I am giving them what they need from me?

I read your answer to Steve regarding "spoiling" children and thus allowing them to follow their own inner guidance. Your points resonated with me, but I would like to better understand how to put this into practice. For example, when one of my sons is harming the other physically, what is the ideal way for me to react?

I can already hear you telling me that there is no wrong anywhere in the universe, and that would obviously include physical violence, but it's difficult for me as a mother to remember this when I see one of my children in pain. Obviously there are limiting beliefs at play here, since I experience negative emotions when one hits the other. Can you help me identify those beliefs and guide me toward any evidence I could use to reduce their intensity?

Thank you in advance. I really am thrilled to be interacting with you.

With love,

Dear Kyla,

There are several things we would like to address here. The first is that your children chose you and their father, and the time and place of their birth because they knew that the conditions surrounding their childhood would give them the best chance to create a trajectory that would launch them toward that which they intended to explore in this lifetime. What is it about you that they chose? Is it not obvious to you? While you're writing a question to a group of nonphysical teachers, you ask why did your children choose you as their mother? It's because you are conscious and aware of the forces of the universe and the mechanism of physical reality.

Your children knew that your greater understanding of how reality works would allow them the freedom necessary to explore that which is of interest to them. While your children are quite different from one another, the one thing they have in common above all is their desire to start life in the presence of one so in tune with the forces of the universe.

You understand that they both have their own very powerful, very strong, very reliable inner guidance system. They are both beings of pure positive love. They love you and each other very much. When they fight it is you who feels it most. You allow their fighting to cause negative emotion because you are choosing a perspective that sees fighting as wrong. It is not wrong in and of itself. However, it does indicate that your children are also feeling bad and have learned that in order to feel good, they must control the behavior of those around them. Just as you want them to stop fighting so that you can feel good again, they want to control each other's behavior so that they can love the other again. They miss the love they once had for each other and they believe that if the other behaved in a way that made them feel good, the feeling of love would return.

The love subsided into the background when the fear entered. Fear suppresses love and love suppresses fear. Love fades when fear is present and fear retreats when love is strong. They feel fear and therefore act out of fear. They are beings of love who are temporarily feeling fear and matching lower vibrational thoughts and behaviors. Once the fear has been eased, the love will return. You can't ask them to stop feeling fear, you can only provide love. Once they feel safe, the fighting will stop on its own.

Your children are here to explore reality in their own unique way. Because you are their mother, they will have the opportunity to emulate your alignment. When they can feel comfortable being who they really are, they will start to gravitate toward their interests which will lead to their passions. You can expose them to many different experiences and they will sift through that to find something interesting. One interest leads to another until a passion is found.

You do not want to discourage any interest, and It is not necessary to support or approve of any interest. Be as neutral as possible. If you feel an interest is bad or wrong and you voice your opinion, they may give up to early. The interest might have led to other interests which would lead to a passion. If you bolster an interest because you think it's good, they may continue with the interest longer than was necessary and in doing so they might not have found an important interest. You are very influential, but you do not want to take over as their guide. Their inner guidance must be the one they listen to.

Try not to take their education too seriously. When they are interested in or fascinated with something, they will have raised their vibration enough to access the intelligence they desire. When they are not interested in something, they are not a vibrational match to the intelligence. It's just how the system works. Let them enjoy their childhood. They will form interests in all kinds of subjects. It's all good. They will also be bored by certain subjects; even subjects you hold as important. Nothing is of any real importance. If they desire information, they will gain access to the information they need when they need it. If they do not desire the information, all the teaching in the world won't get them to retain the information for very long.

Your children are doing well. They are progressing and the experience of the divorce will resolve itself in time. Be easy on yourself for you have no need to worry or feel guilty. This was all part of the conditions of their childhood which they intended prior to their birth. It will create a trajectory that is both wanted and necessary.

You are loved. You are love.

We are Joshua
