Kate Question #99


Dear Joshua

So, feeling insecure at work (still), I've been thinking about going back to studying to expand my knowledge and feel more confident, but I haven't done it (yet) because it is super intense and long (3 years + full time work), and is it really worth it except it would give me (maybe) more knowledge and confidence. But I'm wondering if 1) there isn't a better way, and 2) am I not looking for something on the outside when the issue is on the inside (at least the confidence part). I mean, if I could do this as a hobby, would I (no). But would I like to be better at what I do (yes).... Conundrum. I'm not asking for a "you should or should not" but more of a "how to look at this to come to a decision".

With appreciation and loads of love,

Dear Kate,

Certainly you are looking for something on the outside to change how you feel on the inside. However, when you seek to make the inside change first, you engage the forces of the universe ty work with you. By leveraging these forces, you will receive inspiration to act when it's time. If you feel doubt, it is not inspiration.

Let's say that you have an intense desire to enjoy your work. That could mean many different things. You could be inspired to take action that would create a sense of confidence and success that would lead to a more enjoyable work experience. It could also lead to a completely different job. You cannot know which. This prospect frightens you. You want to enjoy your work, but you fear losing this job because you believe it would mean a loss of income. But you needn't worry. The universe knows all of your desires and will work out a manifestation that elegantly addresses all of your wants and needs.

All you have to do is focus on what you really want and then create an atmosphere of trust, faith, acceptance, and allowing. If you could do this, everything you want would come to you.

Instead you seek to change the conditions. You do not even create a mental image of your desire because you can't really see it. What you want is beyond your ability to imagine. You think that this and this and that must happen and if they don't, then you won't get what you want. This is not faith, trust, acceptance, or allowing, it's coercion. Every minute of every day you are plotting and scheming and thinking about how things should be different. You believe that you won't get what you want if your bosses treat you like this or your colleagues behave like that. You think your performance has something to do with any of it. This is all just the conditions that exist outside of you capturing your attention. By focusing on all of this, rather than your desire, you are creating more of the same.

How does one align themselves with the forces of the universe and leverage those energies to create that which is wanted? By having faith that the forces of the universe will work for you, by having trust that the universe knows what you want and how to get it to you, by accepting the process which will include many manifestation events and by allowing the manifestation events to alert you to your limiting beliefs. This is the approach to life which will create the experience of life you desire, even if you can't imagine what that is.

