Kate Question #98


Dear Joshua

Coming back to work: the negative emotions seem to be piling up. Is this because of momentum? Focus? Both, right? One feeds the other. So to look for feelings of relief which is the same as higher perspective.

Abraham suggests focus wheels to write what we do want (based on what we know to be true), which would be (from what I understand), taking the limiting belief and looking for the higher perspective (and moving to what I do want). At the same time, both you and they talk about pivoting (you say "your inner being will tell you when you are focusing on what you don't want so you can focus on what you do want). Is one tool the rot of the other (focus wheel, then pivoting). Does the use of one over the other (focus wheel/pivoting) depend on situations and feelings, and where does the "wouldn't it be nice" come in (that one doesn't seem to work on uncovering the limiting belief and moving up the vibrational scale).

fIn fact your main tool is "moving up the vibrational scale on all subjects which don't feel good. Does this make any sense at all?


Dear Kate,

A focus wheel is a tool that allows you to work on the vibration of the thing you want. When you write down your desire, you will bump up against feelings that are resistant to the desire. Your goal is to move out from those resistant feelings to easier feelings that already match the desire and then you realize where you are resistant and you ease that resistance.

The resistance comes from looking at the subject from a limited perspective that does not serve you. If you can choose a more empowering perspective (one that says that everything is right as it is and this is all for me, for example) and you feel relief as a result, you have effectively moved your vibration closer to the frequency of the thing you want. You can use the focus wheel and you can analyze manifestation events and alter your perspective.

Both tools work on moving your vibration higher and higher until you match the frequency of the thing you want. Both tools work on easing your resistance to that which you want.

Imagine that you birth a desire and the universe instantly goes into action to bring you the most elegant manifestation of that desire. Now imagine that you have no idea how the universe is going to do it and you also cannot recognize your desire from where you now stand. Isn't that interesting? You can't know how it will unfold and even if your desire was right in front of your face, you could not see it. That's because you are not a vibrational match to it.

If you were not a vibrational match to the Eiffel Tower, you would not be able to see it. It would be invisible to your sight and to all of your physical senses. It would not exist in your reality. There are millions of people living today who are not a vibrational match to the Eiffel Tower, or even Paris and for them, none of it exists. It is not a part of their physical reality.

When a child is born, it is not a match to the Eiffel Tower, but it might become a match as it becomes necessary. For instance, a child living in Paris becomes a match to the Eiffel Tower because it is part of the requirement of that society. A child born into a small village in Tibet may not need to become a match to the Eiffel tower, France, or even Europe until they are older and they are taught about these things.

When you birth a desire for something, you have learned of its existence and something about it calls to you. You are interested in the feeling of what that thing would be like. A child growing up in Paris has no resistance to the Eiffel Tower and therefore becomes a vibrational match the instant he hears about it. A child growing up in Tibet has no need (or desire) to learn about the Eiffel Tower and therefore it does not exist for her.

Desire and resistance are at opposite ends of the spectrum. If the desire is stronger than the resistance, the resistance will be overpowered. If the desire is weak, the resistance will stop the manifestation of the desire. Limiting beliefs are building blocks of resistance. The more limiting beliefs you entertain and the stronger they are, the greater your desire must be to overcome them. You can either create a very strong desire or reduce the relative strength of your limiting beliefs. It is much, much easier to reduce the intensity of limiting beliefs than to increase the strength of a desire.

When you know something, it has manifested into your reality. When the Parisian child comes to know the Eiffel Tower, it now exists in his reality. Sometimes this is done through actual physical experience of the tower but often it is learned. When you come to know something, it has manifested in your reality. So, this means that there are somethings you don't yet know.

Knowing can be a double-edged sword. You might know that it's possible to make $20,000 a week or you might know that this is impossible. Which knowing is beneficial and which is limiting? There is no difference between knowing and believing other than the intensity. When you learn something, you are simply adopting a belief. Facts are simply very strong beneficial or limiting beliefs that a group of people currently believe simultaneously. The facts could be debunked tomorrow, so a fact is nothing more that a current belief.

The focus wheel tool helps you identify where your limiting beliefs lie and where your beneficial beliefs reside. It also points out the intensity of these beliefs. Manifestation events do the same thing. The benefit of the focus wheel is your ability to identify your beliefs without the drama of intense emotion. If you could sit down and truly analyze your beliefs, understanding that there is some unease in them, you could iron out your vibration and prove that the limiting beliefs are false and the beneficial beliefs are true.

Manifestation events point out specific beliefs in real-life situations. These are a bit more complicated because of the introduction of strong emotion. It might be easier to analyze your beliefs on more mild events where the emotion is subtle. When someone smiles at you or says hello and you feel good, that is a manifestation event indicating a beneficial belief. When someone is rude, that is an event signaling a low-intensity limiting belief. These are easy to analyze and find higher perspectives because they are mild.

When you encounter a rude clerk at a store and you feel mild negative emotions such as, "She should not have been rude to me" and you analyze it and realize that your mood was a bit off and you attracted a sign that you are creating what you don't want because you're in a lower-emotional state of being, you reduce the intensity of a limiting belief. When you find a perspective that says "I'm in a bad mood and I attracted this. It has nothing to do with her," you will feel relief because the perspective is higher.

This is the game. This is how you start whacking away at all the little irritations, annoyances, and mild negative emotions. It's how you return to feeling better faster. It's how you keep your focus on what is wanted. It's how you become a conscious creator rather than an unconscious creator. This is how you change your vibration. This is the new approach to life we are wanting you to adopt.

If you like to analyze emotions caused by manifestation events, then do that. If the focus wheel works for you, then do that. As long as you are doing something, you will be making excellent progress. You are doing very well indeed even if sometimes it doesn't seem like it.

