Kate Question #89


Dear Joshua

My boyfriend doesn't believe, doesn't want to know. Fair enough. I don't get into it. Whatever works. We still meet up on a lot of beliefs and values even if this is an area (working with you, channeling) we don't go in to (what is the point?).

I'm just somewhat curious that we obviously make a great match. One of the things I love about him is just his attitude, he doesn't complain. We came together, are happy and there is this big subject which I don't mention because of his resistance (and mine to his?)

With appreciation :)

Dear Kate,

It is your inclination to share what you know with others, especially those close to you. You want them to receive the same benefit you are receiving. But in order for them to understand any of this, they must be within the vibrational vicinity of this information.

For some people, like your boyfriend, there just is no desire to understand more. They are perfectly content living in the world of their perception. And why not? From their perspective, all is well. They don't complain because somehow they realize that complaining doesn't work. They appreciate naturally. They are naturally aware and observant of their conditions and they already understand how to adopt a perspective that serves them. They are fine as they are.

If your boyfriend had an interest, you would know. You are a vibrational match in so many areas and believe it or not, you are a match spiritually as well. You like to read about it, internalize it and use it to make your experience of life better. He already knows all of this on some level and it's working for him. To get into the nuts and bolts of the information is not something he's into.

Imagine you're a baker and your favorite thing to make is chocolate cake. Imagine your boyfriend loves chocolate cake. You two are a good match vibrationally speaking because you both appreciate the same thing. Your interest lies in the creating of the cake and his lies in the eating of the cake. You need an eater and he needs a baker. It's a very good match.

Sometimes he will challenge your knowledge of baking. You consider yourself to be a good baker. You're studying baking at the highest level. No one knows more about it than you. However, sometimes he questions your baking skills. He doesn't know how to make the cake, he just knows what he's tasting.

So you go on baking the best cake you can and allow him to go on eating and making suggestions for a better cake. Don't get defensive when he questions your technique, just realize he's not a baker and he doesn't know any better. Appreciate him for his questions and see if there's a bit of truth there and maybe next time your cake will be even better.

With Love
