Kate Question #85


Dear Joshua

If someone were super anxious and not sleeping (for example) or worried etc - and someone were taking this anti anxiety medication for example and feeling calmer and sleeping and working and functioning "normally", while I realize it is two different evils (although everything is good), both would end up having an impact on the body - would it not be better to be taking the medication because at least the body impact is happening while feeling calmer and more in control? I realize the "right" answer is "look for the good, raise your vibration, change, meditate etc, but just looking at these two options and wondering.

We have a dear dear long term friend who seems to be being diagnosed with cancer (she's quite young), early seventies. One could look at her life style (food, exercise) and think that that is unfair, but on the other hand we have seen her sort of whip herself to be a pure good person, depriving herself of some of our fun joys because they are evil or negative, and worrying about the state of the world, and food, and anything she could get her teeth into - and while we would gently mock her, she now has cancer, and its sad because there is/was nothing we could really do. She had a set of beliefs and stuck to them and wasn't happy, but was justified. I'm not even sure if/how I can soothe those around her. No one wants to hear there is no death. People just think I'm hokey and hippy ...


Dear Kate,

How nice it is to be hokey and hippy. We are hokey and hippy too. Everyone in the nonphysical is. It's just that from our perspective, we can't see anything wrong. We don't see that your friend did anything wrong to attract the disease nor do we see the cancer as wrong either. Everything is working out perfectly. You're right, there is no death, but if people want to put a lot of drama around the death experience, well then let them. It doesn't really make any difference.

Imagine you were this woman and you had lived life a certain way for a very long time. You believed it was right to be scared about food and scared about the world. You believe the best way to fix a broken world is to complain about it and let your voice be heard. You believed all your life that if you want something done, you must focus your attention on it and do it yourself. You have had these beliefs and this approach to life for a very long time. Now imagine someone comes to you and says, "If you had just relaxed about it all and focused on whatever it was you thought was good and right, you'd never attract this cancer." What would you think then? It would not be a pleasant realization.

There's a lot of momentum here and either she will succumb to the cancer by fighting against it and thinking it's wrong and bad and unfair, or she will create a strong will to live and think thoughts about the joys of life. Either way, she'll eventually understand it. She is moving up the vibrational ladder quickly and made great progress in this life. The next life will move her even further in the understanding of universal forces and the mechanism of physical reality. Maybe she is eager to get her next life started. You never know for sure.

