Kate Question #66


Dear Joshua

We got our commission generated today for the month of March and I was at the bottom of the list. The first reaction was "darn." Even my new young colleague did better than me. So, on the one hand not good, and didn't feel good, obviously. If it doesn't feel good it's cause I have a limiting belief.

I'm not as good as the others.
They have clients who pay more and are bigger.
Everyone will be happy I'm at the bottom.

More positive thoughts are:

I'm doing more of what I want and am happier and less stressed in my day.
A few of my clients pay by check and not on a monthly basis, so I could have a bump up in the coming months.
This is all taking me to where I want to go (not sure where that is).
It's all good.
I did actually generate some commission for the cie.
I love my clients even if they are small payers.

Hmmmmm - appreciation of the commission I did generate seems like a good idea, and not to compare (although our bosses goal seems to be exactly that by sending out this table of commissions for the other 6 sales people to see).

With Love

Dear Kate,

Absolutely marvelous. We would love to see a chart of spiritual awareness among your colleagues. You would be at the top of that list. You would be at the top of the list among all humans. Talk about the one percent!

What you have done is exactly right. You have identified your limiting beliefs and then gone on to make statements which highlight the positive aspects of your situation. How does this make you feel? We're sure you feel better as a result.

When you compare yourself to others, you are right not to fall into the trap your bosses have set up. They are trying to manipulate you to act in a way that they believe will suit their best interests. They are wrong because what they are really doing is causing those at the bottom of the list to operate out of fear. Action in fear does not utilize the powers of the universe.

Compare yourself in the areas where you are ahead of the game. Your happiness, your spiritual awareness, your understanding of the game of life is where you top the list. They are all chasing the carrot hoping that money and commissions will get them what they want. You are looking at how you feel and understanding that feeling good first will lead to more good-feeling conditions. They are working hard to make money so that hopefully they will feel good. But it just doesn't work this way. You must feel good first and then whatever comes will match that.

How do you feel good at work? You work with good-feeling, appreciative clients. You think about what's in their best interests, not just the commissions they'll generate. You think about doing what you're inspired to do. You think about following your interests. You think about building long-term relationships. You think about maintaining your vibration. You think about the well-being that's flowing to you. You think about being more confident. The game you play at work is all about doing what makes you feel good, what's interesting, what's personally challenging, and what's fun. You enjoy your work where others work so that they may enjoy something else.

So feel secure knowing that you are the one who's got it figured out. As you work within this system of feeling good first, you'll begin to see manifestations that reflect your higher vibration. Be patient, this is actually happening faster than you think. Just keep doing what you're doing and keep your eyes open for opportunities to enrich your experience at the office.

