Kate Question #6


Dear Joshua,

Negative emotion= limited perspective = fear.... so the work would be to find what the fear is and then soothe that fear?


Dear Kate,

Negative emotion is an indication that a limiting belief exists and the basis of that belief is fear. The work is to find the irrational fear underlying the limiting belief and then to reduce the intensity of the belief by proving that it is false. All limiting beliefs based in irrational fear are false. They are simply not true. Therefore, evidence exists that prove the belief is false. If you can find that evidence and show it to yourself, you'll automatically reduce the intensity of the limiting belief and your reality will be altered.

Your reality is created to a large degree by the set of beliefs you carry with you. Some of your beliefs are beneficial and others are limiting. The beneficial beliefs support who you really are and what you really want. The limiting beliefs support who you are being which is less than the real you. The limiting beliefs keep you from the full experience of life that you intended to live prior to your birth.

Most limiting beliefs were adopted from others. You parents may have told you that certain things were dangerous and that you had your limitations. This might have been true for them, but if a belief was adopted without direct personal experience, then it is not valid in your reality. If you choose to keep it alive, then you are just choosing to limit your own experience.

If you can give us another example of a situation where you felt negative emotion, we will work to find the limiting belief and the fear behind it. We will then find evidence to prove that the belief is false. If you can learn to do this yourself, you will ease the resistance you carry and you will begin to allow all that you want to flow into your life. It's as simple as that.

