Kate Question #58


Dear Joshua,

A more general question - Why do so many people (at least in my culture) not want to hear that there is no death? I don't mention that to people, and I'm thinking we are so focused on "reality" and "provable", but its just interesting to see people shut down at the possibility.


Dear Kate,

There is a great fear and that is the fear of the unknown. When a person has a set of beliefs that are based in fear, the fear of the unknown becomes quite frightening. When you are told that you will be judged for the life you've lived, you fear that judgment because it is an unknowable thing. You believe you have committed sin, you believe that sin is bad, you hope that some of the good you've done in your life will offset that sin, but in the end you have no way of knowing how you will be judged. It's arbitrary. According to popular (limiting) belief you will either be judged favorably and go to heaven, or you will be judged unfavorably and go to hell. Talk about two extremes...

There is no judgment in the nonphysical. Everyone goes to Heaven. You can commit no sin. You can't do anything wrong. Everything is right and that's why we're all in Heaven. When you die, you shed your fear and you become who you really are. In Heaven as on Earth, you are a pure positive being of love. It's just that in Heaven, you know that statement to be true. On Earth, you forget.

