Kate Question #56


Dear Joshua,

Not really a question, but you were right about the fun of doing the DIY myself :) This weekend I plastered (that was fun) ... now I have to sand but it is satisfying knowing I'm taking action. I also did something new - I changed a light socket - it took a bit of getting it wrong, then sort of getting it right, and very few of the boys at work knew how to do it, but I sort of did it .... and I'm so proud of myself for these little things which are fun to do - the fun of life.... and then there is my balcony I'm looking forward to getting ready for spring, when my sweetie comes back next week.

I'm always so excited to see Gary/your answers come back to me - it is a lot of info, and I go to your (when I say you, I mean you/Gary's) first book at night before going to sleep.


Dear Kate,

When you want to create something in the nonphysical, you just create it with your mind. It works like that in the physical as well. When you want to refresh your room, you can create it by taking action, but first you must create it in your mind. You could call the workers and tell them what you want, supervise them, and then pay them. This sounds like the easy and responsible way to do it. But you're living in physical reality. Physical reality is fun. You get to do stuff. When you get your hands in it, it feels good. It's not just the end result you want, you also want the journey.

When you get to the full and final manifestation of your desire, it will never be the thing itself that is fulfilling, it will always be the journey there. Once you get the thing, you'll be in a new place, you'll be a new you, and from that new perspective, you'll want something more and a new journey will start. So you are always on some journey to somewhere new. The things you experience on that journey to what is wanted, and the times you have on that journey, will always be more precious that the final result of the manifestation of your desire.

So remember that now is the fun time. You're on your way to somewhere new, but where you are really is very, very good. You'll never be here again. You'll always look back on this time in your life and have fond thoughts. Enjoy every moment because really, it is all good now.

