Kate Question #47


Dear Joshua,

Most definitely a better day today: intentions being set left, right and centre (thank you Gary!)… I'm feeling better, calmer. and making more intentions; and more intentions - and being more aware - and experiencing some great moments. I have this connection with you - moments of joy ..... Roller coaster - but those moments of just joy and exhilaration - they beat everything. I could see how feeling like this most of the time would beat everything else (I know, not sustainable all the time).


Dear Kate,

Do you see how your emotional state of being reveals new high-vibrational thoughts and ideas, which lead to high-vibrational moments and experiences? We want to talk more about your emotional state of being. When you are confident, accepting, loving, nonjudgmental, and being who you really are in the moment, you gain access to a certain level of thought which is not available to you when you feel scared, or discouraged, or insecure, or judgmental, or resistant. How you feel really matters.

All thoughts and ideas exist. Your job is to come into alignment with the highest thoughts and ideas. When you reach a vibrational level that allows you access to these high-level thoughts and ideas, you create manifestations in your reality that are on the same level. You'll encounter moments that match your vibration. You'll feel good and then your reality will bring you more reasons to feel good.

When you are in a lower emotional state of being, such as regret, sadness, frustration, etc. you have access primarily to thoughts and ideas that resonate with your current state of being. The thoughts and ideas at this point reinforce how you feel; i.e. bad. You attract bad thoughts and bad ideas. They are not aligned with who you are and what you want. When you find yourself in a low emotional state of being, do whatever it takes to get out of there as quickly as possible. You do not want to linger in this state because you will be tempted to consider some of these thoughts and ideas which do not serve you.

In the past you might have believed it was okay to wallow in a little self pity. You might have even enjoyed your pity party. You may have tried to bring people in who felt sorry for you. You might have enjoyed their sympathy. However, if you look back at these times, you'll remember that nothing of value was created out of it other than a burst of desire to get back on your feet. Now you have the ability to identify your emotional state of being and to take control of it. When you feel good as you did today, you can ramp up these good feelings by recognizing that this is how you were designed to feel. This is how you intended to feel most of the time. This is your natural state of being. You should feel this way. It is right to feel good. It is proper to expect to feel good and believe that good-feeling manifestations come when you're feeling good.

This was not just a good day, this was an example of how you can and must feel every day. When you feel less than this, you are temporarily cutting off the natural flow of wellbeing. That is the exception. The rule is that you feel good. When you don't feel good, you really, really notice it and you stop in your tracks and analyze it. You identify limiting beliefs and the fears that support them. You find evidence to prove they're false and you reduce the intensity of these limiting beliefs and irrational fears. The moment you do this successfully, you feel relief. Relief feels good.

