Kate Question #4


Dear Joshua

Thank you for those answers. In effect - it makes sense that everything we want (or that I say I want), I want because I think I will feel good in the having of it. And in order to feel good I need to change ... I like that.

And look at limiting beliefs to try and get a different (more positive and freeing) perspective.

So today I was feeling pretty good, the day was going well and then I got into a negative mood for a while due to something which didn't go my way in terms of changing a ticket for my train back home - of course I forgot "feel good"... and I was wondering what the limiting belief was, there, for me to feel that way - I'm not sure, but what comes to mind is "this trip is going to be uncomfortable, and I've worked hard and I deserve more than this unhelpful expensive service" - so I was in victim mode, but did I not create that situation ...?

In the end the trip turned out fine (not as comfortable as it could have been, but good enough).

Then at the station, I saw my mind go off at the same time (more or less) as I had a brief negative emotion about something (I don't even know what now) - and the good part was - I was actually aware it happened.

I was pleasantly surprised at that since, 1/ I recognized it in the moment and 2/ I could take the information and start saying to myself "I want to feel good".... and that bought me back to my goal to change ...

Can you help me with the limiting belief I must have had at the station - was it that I had no control over the situation?

Is this in large part the work to change? And if I don't know what the limiting belief was, what would be a way to uncover it? Ask source and my inner being?

I don't lack in negative emotions and limiting beliefs - I'm just unaware - or, I feel I can actually say, I was unaware ... and you have, with three answers, guided me to want to be more aware because of the good I can eventually get out of it.

Thank you :)

Dear Kate,

There is a broader perspective and there is a limited perspective. When something happens and you feel negative emotion, you are looking at the subject from the limited perspective. Once you realize this and then take another look at the subject at hand, from the higher perspective, you will feel better. You are receiving an indication through the negative emotion that you are using a limited perspective to perceive your world. As soon as you use the higher perspective to view the same subject, you'll feel better.

By now you should understand that this is a feeling reality and all that really matters is how you feel. This reality uses your feelings to guide you toward what is wanted and preferred and away from what is not wanted. Don't just accept negative feelings as part of life. Don't believe that it is okay to endure bad feelings. It is not. You are meant to want to feel good and to not want to feel bad. Do not accept feeling bad any longer. When you do feel bad, simply stop and realize that you're looking at the situation from a low and limited perspective.

You switch your train tickets and something happens to cause negative emotion. That thing is not a bad thing in and of itself, you simply have decided to judge it as bad. You have chosen to perceive it as wrong. You have made the choice to believe that the situation, the condition, should be different than it is. When you decide that something in the present moment is bad or wrong, and you want it to be different than it is, you are simply looking at it from a perspective that does not serve you.

There is no wrong anywhere in the universe and therefore if you view something in the present moment as wrong, you are simply looking at it from a perspective that is not in alignment with who you really are or what you really want. If you think it's wrong and you feel negative emotion, that is your guidance system at work. The negative emotion is telling you that you're looking at this in a way that will not work for you. You're looking at it in a way that is out of alignment with what you want. This perspective is not helping. So please look at it from another perspective until you find one that makes you feel better.

You can look at the most horrible-feeling condition in a way that makes you feel better. But what is the purpose of this? Imagine that someone you know gets into a traffic accident. You go to see them in the hospital and you feel very sorry for them. You see their pain and struggle and the apparent setback the accident has caused in their life.

You feel bad for them and this is an indication that you are looking at the situation in a way that does not serve you. So what are you to do; be happy about it? Absolutely. Your perspective on this and all subjects that you think are bad or wrong is what creates your future. It's the mechanism by which your reality is formed. How you react in the present moment influences future moments. How you perceive your reality is how your reality will be created. It is created in the image that you hold. When you believe that things are happening to you, to other people, rather than for you and for them, you are approaching life as a victim of fate rather than a creator of reality.

You create your own reality by your approach to life. If you have an approach that says ʻI must control the present moment and when something in the present moment is not to my liking, I will become angry, or sad, or depressed,' then you are creating more moments of anger, sadness and depression. If you can adopt an approach that looks at the present moment from the perspective of a creator, and you have created the moment and therefore the moment must be good even though you can't see that yet, then you are creating a reality that is good.

If you can perceive everything as good and right, then you will eventually create a reality where everything is good and right. If you can learn to listen to the way you feel, and do whatever you can to feel better, you will create a future where you will feel good most of the time.

There could be a million reasons the train experience turned out as it did. You might have been guided to a seat where you might meet someone new. You might have been delayed so that universal forces could create a serendipitous rendezvous. You might have gained insight to a limiting belief and then analyzed the fear behind the belief. Whatever happens, happens for you not to you. Start looking at everything from a perspective that makes you feel better. Make this your new habit and watch your world transform in a matter of months.

You are loved more than you can imagine by more than you could ever count.

