Kate Question #29


Dear Joshua,

I came to you initially for all sorts of reasons but a big one, as you are aware, was to boost my work success and abundance and really get good with the LOA and manifestation, and you said that I would find out the outcome (or reasons) would be very different and you are helping, but I am understanding that the work underlying all this is getting to a regular habit of seeing the good (and believing it) in everything, and knowing that I am loved and my path is unfolding even while I am somewhat unaware of it (in fact totally unaware). So my work would be to continuously find another perspective which makes me feel better….

But my view and thinking is limited – where do I start in finding another perspective? Is there a sort of obvious starting point that I could use on a regular basis (like – my inner being knows everything that is going on and is working with this to where I'm supposed to be going)… but then the question would be "where am I supposed to be going?" To feeling more happy and more confident more of the time?


Dear Kate,

You are just in the beginning stages of this process toward creating the life your truly desire. The first stage is acceptance. You must accept that where you are right now is the perfect place to start. You have found us and together we have begun a journey of exploration. Few people have made it as far as you have so this is something very magical indeed. You must also start to accept that everything in the present moment is perfect. You are learning too accept what is. Acceptance of where you are and what is going on in the moment is crucial to learning how to use Law of Attraction and other universal forces to deliberately manifest the things you desire.

So then, what is acceptance and why is it so important? Acceptance is the knowing that everything is right, that everything is working out, that the puzzle pieces are fitting together nicely, that you cannot see the road ahead and that everything is perfect in the moment. If you would not change something, you would call it perfect. If you cannot change something, such as the present moment, then you must call that perfect as well. To see the conditions as they exist in the moment as perfect is to align yourself with the universe and to go with the flow. This is the approach you need to adopt in order to lay the groundwork so that you may enter the state of allowing.

Everything that you create comes from your vibrational signal. If your signal is one of acceptance rather than resistance, everything wanted will flow to you. There is nothing you need to do other than to find a way to get into the state of allowing and stay there as much as possible. There is nothing else you can do. Your actions based on what you think you should do are ineffective at producing the results you truly desire. When you take action that is not inspired, you simply spin your wheels and cause frustration.

The first step is acceptance. We want to teach you that the universe works out all of the details and your job is to get out of the way. You do this by understanding that you can't see how it will unfold so you must trust that it is working. In the state of allowing, there is less resistance and things come to you as if by magic. In the state of allowing you receive inspiration to act and you do not talk yourself out of it. In the state of allowing, you do not let your fears keep you away from doing what you want to do. In the state of allowing you know when the time is right.

Let's get you in the state of allowing and then we will move on to the next step. You move into the state of allowing by dropping resistance. Resistance occurs whenever you feel negative emotion. The negative emotion is your indication that you are not looking at the conditions or the event from a perspective of allowing. You are using a perspective of resistance. When you think something is bad or wrong, your perspective is working against you. It is resistance. When you choose a new perspective, one that makes you feel better in that moment, you have found a perspective of allowing and you have moved yourself back into a state of allowing.

The more often you can do this, the more your vibration will raise. You will be given new thoughts, ideas and inspiration to act. From this state, you will become a powerful manifestor of all that is wanted. Nothing can really happen until you get good at moving yourself into the state of allowing.

By paying attention to how you feel and demanding to feel good, you'll start to notice when you feel negative emotion. It will be more obvious. When negative emotion arises within you, you will now realize that you are resisting the conditions as they are in the moment. You'll notice that your perspective is off and you'll start to form a new habit of choosing a better-feeling, more aligned perspective. When you can consistently do this, you'll find yourself in the state of allowing more often and soon manifestations of all sorts will start popping up all over the place.

But first, we will work on your perspective.

