Kate Question #22


Dear Joshua,

Are there energy healers? How does that work, if we create in our own reality? Is it that we believe? In which case, doesn't the energy "healing" already start off as biased? A woman I've discovered does group energy healing on money and a lot of people are giving positive feedback - I'm curious as to whether this is actually possible, even without strong belief (maybe its the desire which we express even without the belief)?


Dear Kate,

You create your own reality. If you seek to be healed and you are inspired to an action, any action, with the goal to be healed, that action will be the key to creating your own healing. You create your reality, you create your conditions, you decide what will influence you, you choose which method or form the healing will take and you judge whether the method was effective or not. You create your reality, therefore you heal you. All healing is self-healing. All diseases are created. All things happen for a reason. All death is suicide. All poverty is self-inflicted. All wealth is self-made. All happiness is self-fulfilled.

You create your reality. Let's imagine that you are exposed to life and from contrast you birth a new desire. You desire to have more money because you believe that money will make the experience of life more enjoyable. We will say that for this example, this desire is a true desire and is not made to simply escape a condition (poverty) that you do not like. So, having birthed this true desire, wealth will be entering your vibrational vicinity in the amount (or not) that you allow. If you move into a state of allowing, the wealth will come.

How does allowing affect the attraction of a desire? You must understand by now that you are not a vibrational match to that thing you want. That is why it is not in your life right now. if you were a vibrational match, it would exist in your reality. Therefore, you must become a match. This involves the modification of your vibration which stems from your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, emotional state of being and expectations. When those aspects of you are allowed to be changed or modified, you come into the state of allowing.

Can you imagine yourself in the state of allowing? What would that look like? How would that feel? How would you be? What emotional state would you be in? You would be relaxed, you would go with the flow of life, you would have faith that your desire is coming, you would receive inspiration to act, you would notice conversations and articles and books and stories that would cause a change in your beliefs. You would be inspired to go here and look there. You would be cast into many manifestation events and you not judge them harshly because you would be looking for the thing that challenges a particular belief. You would analyze the fear behind the limiting belief and you would find evidence to show that the fear is irrational and the belief is false.

So imagine now that you have a desire to be healed by an energy worker. How did you find this person? Who did you talk to? How does the thought of going to this person feel? Does it feel right to you? Are you excited about the possibilities? Then this is inspiration to act. If you feel fear or doubt, then it is not quite right. If you feel excitement and just know that you must go, then this might just be the thing for you. If you believe it will work, then it will work to the extent of your belief about it.

