Kate Question #21


Dear Joshua,

I want lots and lots of things - how do I even start to manifest them? Does it begin with belief, or is there other "stuff" I could be doing to bring it in ... and this is what I want for the moment - if I want something very different in 5 years time, I want to know I can create that easy peasy too.... How to go about any of this?

Right now I want :

To be living in a lovely house/apartment in California with sun and with my boyfriend.
Have a few million dollars in the bank so I don't have to show up at a 9 to 5 job everyday?
Have work where I feel joy and get paid for being me.
Connect easily with my inner being/source and have fun working with that, and creating.
Enjoy working out, outdoors or in our gym.
Have two cars for our independence
and trips to the sea, or road trips
good solid regular AA meetings just down the road
Maybe even a pool.. !
Feelings of joy, well being, barbecues, laughter, abundance, connection, health, joy ...
did I say abundance and joy....

How do I even go about getting any of this - where can I start - I would love to open up to it all :).

To all the abundance, and well being?

With love and appreciation

Dear Kate,

Why? Why do you want these things? This is the most important question you'll ever ask yourself. The answer to this question will determine how your life unfolds from here. Think about the why in any request and then drill it down to the feeling of it. It is fine to dream of things, but you must always think of the reason. Think of the real reason.

If you want something because it will take you away from something you do not want, then you are focusing on what is not wanted and the point of your focus is your point of attraction. You will simply attract more of what is not wanted. When you ask for something specific you might get that specific thing, but it might not be what you really wanted. Whenever you are asking for something, you are really and only asking for the feeling of it. This is a feeling reality and you when you ask for something, you receive the feeling of it. It may look like something physical, but that physical thing is really just a feeling.

If you ask for a specific thing rather than a feeling, you limit what can come to you. You may want a certain feeling so you think it out and you decide that California is the answer to what you want. But it could be Florida, or Spain, or Italy or Ohio or many other places which would create the same or better feeling that you desire. When you ask for a million dollars, you are really asking for security. The million dollars won't give you the security you think it will because it always comes with strings attached. If you had faith in the universe to provide you with everything you need when you need it, you would already feel secure which is all that you really want. If you felt secure, you would see signs that you're being taken care of every single day.

Don't be too specific on the physical manifestation. Reach for the feeling of what is wanted. Play with your imagination, but be free with it and imagine all sorts of things. Allow your imagination to roam wild and try not to get attached to anything in particular. You cannot see how the universe will create your desire. It often comes as a great surprise.

