Kate Question #17


Dear Joshua,

I'm curious about all these people now who are writing books etc on the LOA (and good for them!) with instructions on "imagine yourself winning - feel the emotion - stay focused on the positive" and who it works for (they attract at least some of what they want it seems). But I feel that the part about beliefs and awareness of manifestation events etc is missing ... but maybe that doesn't matter? A bit like the Secret... and again - hooray to them all for making these laws more talked about, accessible etc. I'm just curious as to, to what extent does their work ..;work?


Dear Kate,

You are led by your interests to those things which will resonate with you. It is a step-by-step process. Your true desire in this life is to become who you really are. There is a version of you that exists that is the highest and truest version of who you really are. You are a pure being of love. That version of you is without fear. All people are moving toward the highest version of themselves.

You might not be consciously aware of the desire to become your highest self, but it was something you intended prior to your birth. The Law of Attraction is guiding you step-bystep to becoming who you really are. If you allow the process to work for you, you will be changed. Your beliefs dictate how you perceive your reality. When you change your beliefs, your reality changes.

If the universe is going to transform you into the highest version of you, then it will have to put you in situations that test your beliefs. If you hold onto your limiting beliefs, you will not change in the way you desire. Most people believe that their limiting beliefs are valid. They do not understand that they are based in fear. They do not realize they must analyze their beliefs and judge for themselves if they are valid. They hold onto these beliefs blindly and unrelentingly.

However, the fact remains that they do desire transformation. The universe, Source, their inner selves, are all guiding then to information and ideas that will cause their beliefs to be changed. As you might imagine, it is a gradual process since beliefs are often solidified in the minds of those wanting to change. One may be led to a book, then a practice, then a philosophy, then a teacher, then a group and then a movement.

Everyone is on the same journey of self-discovery and self-awareness. Everyone is at their own unique point on this journey. There are more teachers available now and each student is finding the right teacher are the right point in their personal journey.

