Kate Question #108


Dear Joshua,

You talk about inspired action, but I'm wondering if, set in my "ways " (out of control and fear?), I'll be able to receive and acknowledge inspired action, or is it something that is unconscious, or de we have to be aware of the inspired action? Why do I not seem to have that many? Do I get the inspiration and shut it down, or is it just not very frequent because of where my vibration is?


Dear Kate,

You are being sent guidance in the form of inspiration all the time. You allow it sometimes, you block it sometimes, and you dismiss it often. It is being sent and occasionally you receive it, but you don't really understand what it is.

Sometimes the inspiration to act will be obvious and you'll follow through and take the action. Maybe, when you were presented with this opportunity to travel to North America, you felt inspired to say yes. That was inspiration. When the idea was presented, it sounded exciting. The excitement is your first indication of inspiration. Then you wondered if the time was right, or would it be enjoyable, or would it be expensive (all fear-based thoughts) and these thoughts could have derailed your trip. But you pushed through the fear because the inspiration was greater than the fear.

Often, you'll receive the idea to call someone. That is inspiration. The time is right for the call. The call is for your benefit. But you don't make the call and the moment is lost. Or you call at a later time and the moment is also lost. You come up with so many excuses why the idea is bad or the timing is wrong. If the idea comes to you, and you are in a positive emotional state of being, then the timing is right and the action will lead to something beneficial.

You are not set in your ways, but you have a habit of not trusting your own ideas. Remember, these ideas were not fabricated in your mind at random, they were presented to you based on your vibration in the moment. If you are feeling good, then you must receive good-feeling thoughts and ideas that will lead to the manifestation of your desires. If you do not proceed with the action that has been inspired, then you simply stall the process.

The most important thing to realize is that inspired action only comes from a positive emotional state of being. When you are in a negative emotional state, you will receive urges to do something to relieve your tension and emotional stress. This is not inspiration. It will often lead to something unwanted. Do not act on these urges.

It is only from a positive state of being can positive action be inspired. Start feeling good more often and you'll notice ideas coming to you that feel interesting, promising and exciting. Always move toward the thing that is most interesting or exciting in the moment.

So yes, if you are not receiving inspiration, it is because you are lingering in a lower emotional state or you are rejecting the inspiration as it arises. Start thinking about the ideas you are receiving and instead of finding reasons why you can't or shouldn't do something, start finding ways to push through the fear and do it anyway.

