Isabelle Question #7


Hi Joshua! (My friends on the other side)

This was super helpful - So just be aware of how you view those who you believe need help and you will always be able to reach for the most effective thoughts and ideas. Only see their potential and remember that they are perfect. I became more at ease and trying to just be. Yay I just became a little bit more of an allower - THANK YOU!

Ok but would you mind if we dig a little more on this? The wanting, the desire, is the engine of manifestation. Manifestation is the process of turning nonphysical energy (thoughts, ideas, feelings) into physical things and experiences. There's nothing magic about the process although the process can be defined as magic. You pull bunnies out of hats every day.

This is what I understand so far... the feeling of what you desire attracts the manifestation - law of attraction.

Max Planck quoted - "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."

The conscious creation is created by many and this all interacts creating the physical reality? That this is a matrix and our scientist here are just figuring out the math to this matrix, Einstein's theory of relativity, quantum physics, string theory, etc? Does the vibration I emit attract the forces that brings the particle of an atom to vibration to manifest? Kimberley Maxfield, who channels, when the beings say good by they call themselves beings of light. Which brings me to light. The electromagnetic spectrum includes radio, gamma radiation - wavelengths vary and frequency. Is the spectrum infinite and continuous? Is manifestation the attraction of light? Are we all light and light is another word for energy?

With my love,

Dear Isabelle,

You could call it all the Matrix of Energy and the Matrix of Physical. When the matrix of energy, which can be physical or nonphysical, intersects with the matrix of physical, it becomes physical energy. Imagine a stream of light coming through a window. When the dust particles hit the light, you can see them. It's like they were not there, but when they hit the light, they lit up and could be seen. The energy is not noticeable by you, a physical being, until it hits the physical matrix and then lights up. This could be a scent. Until you smell it, is it physical? You are in the matrix of the physical and you perceive energy in a physical way. It's always there, it's just that when it hits your physical matrix, you can say that it's real because it now exists in your reality.

Let's think of an idea, say the Theory of Relativity. That idea always existed. It existed at the beginning of time as a possibility. We are teasing you a bit, because there is no time. The Einstein came along and he had a great problem he wanted to solve. That was the desire. Since he was not personally attached to the problem, meaning it did not affect him internally, it was an outside problem and he was eager to find a solution. There was little resistance. So he played with the idea for a while and he reached for the first one that was available. It was one that had been received previously, but he needed something more. He needed an explanation or an idea that had never been received by anyone. He needed what you would call an original thought. The desire brought him to the vibrational vicinity of that original thought and because there was little resistance within him, he was able to bring it forth into physical reality.

Since it was a new idea, very few other people were immediately able to see the idea for what it was. They were not yet a match to it. But once the idea existed in physical reality, and they could play with it, soon more and more people come within it's vibration and they accepted the idea. All ideas are like this.

The lightbulb was an invention that always existed. The inventor was the one who reached for the idea and brought it forth into physical reality. When the lightbulb, cell phone, computer, internet, Bitcoin, or anything new is brought forth into physical reality, most people are not a match to it. The do not see the entire idea. They do not see the value in it. That's because they are not a vibrational match to it yet. With desire, they will become a vibrational match.

Children come in at a higher vibration and they allow their desires to manifest easily because there is little resistance within them. They can become a vibrational match to the things they desire rapidly. You can see evidence of this when you give a small child an iPad and an elderly person an iPad. Watch how the child seems to understand it easily while the older person has no use for it. It's not intelligence; it's vibrational. The desire creates a pathway to the manifestation of the physical representation of the idea.

We say it is better to focus on the feeling that the desire brings rather than the physical representation of the desire, because the feeling opens up so many more possibilities and the physical tangible thing you think will bring you what you want is incredibly limiting. Also, this is a feeling reality and the tangible thing will only ever give you a feeling. A ride in a race car is a feeling. Owning a race car is a feeling. Paying the insurance on a race car is a feeling. The only thing you ever receive from objects and things is the feeling it will bring you. So, if you want to manifest anything, think about the feeling you think you would like to feel.

Lastly, what are you? You are an eternal being. You are experiencing physical reality. You are partly focused in physical reality and partly focused in the nonphysical realm. This is true whether you are living a life on Earth or you are in the nonphysical. Even after you make your transition, you will still be focused on Earth. You are a vibrational match to Earth. You are a limitless being of pure positive love and acceptance. Also you are a personality, a persona, a collection of cells called a body, a consciousness, and you have a unique perception of reality. You are one with all that is and you are in this together with everyone else. You have guides and supporters and an inner self. So, who are you? That's a good question.

With our love for you, whoever that may be,
We are Joshua
