Isabelle Question #69


Hi Joshua,

This is the third of Deepak Chopra's Seven Laws to Success.

3. The Law of Karma - "Karma" is both action and the consequence of that action; it is cause and effect simultaneously, because every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind.

Question - "The Law of Karma says no debt in the universe ever goes unpaid. There is a perfect accounting system in this universe, and everything is a constant "to and fro" exchange of energy. The operational software of your soul is karma, memory, and desire." Thoughts on this?

With love your student,

Dear Isabelle,

The term debt implies a negative connotation. There is no negative aspect to Karma, unless you judge the result as a negative condition, which it cannot be. Since there is nothing inherently wrong, and you are a being of love, the Karmic result of any action is one based in love. If you run a traffic light and receive a ticket, you might say that the ticket was the result of an offense. You might call the ticket wrong. However, it was not wrong, it was simply the result of the feeling of guilt you had when you perceived that you were doing something "wrong" and the universe provided you with the feedback you needed in love.

Karma could be stated as simply the system of the universe with regard to the Law of Attraction. You receive that which you need when you need it as determined by the vibration you are offering. There need be no action for you to receive a reality that corresponds to your vibration, because it is the feeling that informs your vibration. If you are feeling ornery, you might get yelled at by a stranger without any action whatsoever. Of course, the action is the most obvious part of the mechanism of the idea of Karma, yet as you can see, action is not required. Karma might be considered both the vibration and the reality created in response to the vibration.

Yes, you put forth some intention and you receive some manifestation of that intention and that could be called Karma. You put forth some attitude and you receive a response to the attitude and that could be called Karma. You put forth a strong feeling and whatever comes as a result could be called Karma. It is simply how the universe operates. You put forth energy and your reality forms around that energy. If you do something you consider to be good, then it is likely you will receive a response that you also consider to be good. The same can be said of anything you consider to be bad. However, that is always based on your unique perception of reality. You determine what is good or bad. You choose to believe in more good things and you must receive more good things. That's Karma.

The idea of Karma is tied to the Law of Continuity. In one life you might choose to explore a specific aspect of physical reality and in the nonphysical you will likely be interested in that subject. In your next life, you might choose to explore that subject again in a different way and you might call that Karma. But there is no debt. It's simply looking at the subject from another angle. If you looked at a statue and you moved to the other side of the statue to get a new angle, it is not debt. If you are an only child in this life and in the next life you choose to experience being part of a large family, that might be Karma, but there is no debt involved. You do not have to experience anything you do not want to experience. If you were a bank robber in your previous life, you don't have to be a victim in this life. You might choose the experience of the illusion of victimhood. Yet, once you've had enough of that experience, you can choose something else at any time.

With our love,
We are Joshua
