Isabelle Question #67


Hi Joshua,

My friend Tracy and I were discussing The Seven Laws to Success by Deepak Chopra and how to apply these laws. I was wondering what your take was on this. I will start with the first law.

1. The Law of Pure Potentiality
This world of energy is fluid, dynamic, resilient, changing, forever in motion. And yet is also non-changing, still, quiet, eternal and silent. Stillness alone is the potentiality for creativity; movement alone is creativity restricted to a certain aspect of its expression. But the combination of movement and stillness enables you to unleash your creativity in all direction.

Question - is the world still, quiet and silent? I was a little confused here, I think he was trying to convey for us to be still - hence mediation, but isn't energy constantly moving? Which means the entire Universe is always in flux? Yup in the next passage for Law of Giving he is stating that nothing is static.

With love your student,

Dear Isabelle,

There are many teachers teaching the laws of the universe and this mechanism of physical reality for the purposes of helping you and others manage your movement toward expansion during this experience of life. The terminology is not important. You can call something a law if you like, but it is the perspective that comes from the higher intelligence that is flowing through these teachers that is what will help you see through the illusion of physical reality.

So here you are living a physical life believing certain things. You might believe that you have to struggle to survive in a hostile environment because this might be the evidence that is provided to you or it could be derived from the beliefs you adopted from others. Conversely, you might believe that you are a worthy and eternal being of love experiencing new things on a playground designed to provide you with everything you need to do whatever it is you came here to do. Which one is right? That certainly depends on your perception of reality. The fact is, your beliefs control that perception and in that perception is the reality that you will experience. Change the beliefs and you change the perception of reality and thus the reality actually changes. So let's look at the perspectives offered by Deepak Chopra.

Potentiality -

In one approach to life, you might perceive that the potential is limited. You might believe that your potential to be a pop icon is not really feasible and so in your estimation, that is not a possibility for you, nor is it possible for almost everyone else. Since there are only a handful of pop icons in a world of billions of people, the potential exists for a minute percentage of the population and therefore it does not exist for most people. In another approach to life, you understand that you are a limitless being and therefore infinite potential is available for you. And we would say this is absolutely true. But how do you reconcile that with the fact that most people will not become a pop superstar. It's simply because there is information that you are not aware of because your perspective is somewhat limited. The potential to become a pop sensation was one of the infinite options available to you prior to your birth. If that was something you wanted to explore, it would be available to you in this life. But wait, you ask, you have said that we can literally be, have, and do anything we desire. That is true. Desire is the engine of manifestation. But could you really have that desire from where you stand now? Could the trajectory that you, Isabelle, chose lead you to having that desire in a way that would bring forth this manifestation? Would that even be valuable to you in this form?

So yes, once you are here, you move through contrast and birth desires. These desires put you on a path to discover that which you came here to explore. That's your trajectory. You might have been on a path of unworthiness, and believed that by becoming a pop star, you would feel worthy. If you have ever watched talent show auditions, you have seen how prevalent this false desire is within your society. The desire has a very powerful pulling effect and will pull the person in the direction of the manifestation. The desire can be so strong that people will overcome all sots of fears. The desire has the potential to manifest into the person's reality to the degree to which it is believed possible and expected and according to the strength of the desire. However, the desire changes with every experience and therefore it is always in motion. Fears also change. Conditions change. Beliefs change. Everything changes, but that does not mean that potential changes. You could say that the potential is constant and expanding in every moment and the things surrounding the potential change; such as the relative strength or weakness of the desire, fears, beliefs, expectations, conditions, meaning, etc. And thus, the potential for the manifestation of any single desire fluctuates, yet in totality, potential remains stable because the potential for anything always exists.

Stillness could be another term for allowing and movement could be another term for action. In manifesting the potential of anything, one would maintain a state of allowing by seeing everything as right as it is while remaining still until one receives the inspiration to act. Stillness and allowing is combined with inspiration and action to manifest any desire. This enables you to bring forth the information from the nonphysical realm and creatively use it as action in the physical realm to manifest the desire. This is a powerful and intentional use of universal forces and it is quite different than action taken to fix problems.

Imagine a potential experience; to be a pop superstar. Let's say that this was an experience you intended to explore prior to your birth. In doing so, how might you set up your trajectory? You might choose to be born in the united States. You might choose to be born into a musical family. You might choose an attractive body. You would choose to be talented in singing, musically inclined, sensitive, emotional, and able to connect easily with the nonphysical so that you could be inspired enough to flow forth songs that resonated with your potential fans. You might choose a childhood environment where you are able to perform in front of people. You would pick out and apply certain attributes. As long as you were being authentic, these attributes would be revealed at the right time.

This trajectory would not insure that you become a pop superstar. That's not the expansive part. The expansive part is being authentic and discovering the magical qualities of physical reality and the laws of the universe or to be inauthentic and experience the difficulties of fighting against those laws. Both experiences are equally valid and equally expansive and have similar potentiality built into them. The idea here is that it is just as expansive an experience to be who you are not as it is to be who you really are. And every variation of that is also expansive. You judge one potential as being preferable to another, but that is based on your limited perspective. From the higher perspective, one experience is not better than another. It's simply different.

With our love,
We are Joshua
