Isabelle Question #56


Hi Joshua,

What would be a fun exercise to play with a belief for the group?


Dear Isabelle,

Most of you believe that money must come from work. We disagree. We believe that money can come from many sources, such as a gift, an unexpected find, an undiscovered source, or from simply finding it in the sofa, in your clothes, in the street, etc. We would like you to experience abundance in a new way and open your beliefs about money. Money flows to you in abundance if you allow it. We would like to demonstrate this to you and to the rest of the group.

Over the next week, we would like you and whoever else would like to participate to try to stretch your beliefs about where money can come from. We would like you to write down an amount of money that would be a stretch for you to receive. The money cannot come from work. It can come from any other source. The goal of this exercise is for you to ask for the money and allow yourself to receive it.

Now, some of you will limit the amount of money that can come to you first by choosing an amount that is not a stretch and then by not believing that it can come. So we would like you to do several things in preparation for this manifestation of money.

1. We invite you to meditate for 15 minutes each day from now until next Sunday. (Hopefully, you will continue your practice of meditation).

2. You must come to understand that you are worthy of receiving the amount of money you have asked for. You must have faith that you are a worthy and abundant being and that this money is yours to have. It is your birthright to attract as much abundance as you choose. Each day, from now until next Sunday, write an example of how you have been living an abundant life. Under that example, write the words "This proves I am worthy of an abundant life. An abundant life is my birthright."

3. Each morning from now until next Sunday, write 5 affirmations that confirm your worthiness.

4. Each morning from now until next Sunday, set 5 intentions. Keep in mind that you want to notice each and every occasion that you receive money during the day. The intentions you set will help you maintain your focus and help you tune yourself to receiving money during the day.

5. Each morning from now until next Sunday, write a list of 5 things you appreciate that exist in your reality now. Think of how you are already abundant in other areas of your life.

6. Each evening write down a list of every single time you received money from any source during the day and keep close track of every instance where someone put money in your hand, or when you asked someone for money, or when you found even a penny. Pay close attention to every occurrence and then write down the amounts. Be vigilant in this part because you receive money so often that you do not remember it or think about it. You might discount how the money comes and you might think that certain types of money do not count. For this week, we would like you to notice every time money comes to you from any source and to be open to all sources.

This exercise is not about getting money for nothing, it's about stretching your awareness around the subject of abundance. Your goal is not to manifest more money, but to stretch your beliefs about your own abundance. For most of you, abundance is misunderstood. You live incredibly abundant lives, yet you are primarily focused on lack. When you come to understand how truly abundant your lives are, they will start to get even more abundant.

This is not a challenge. There are no winners or losers. It's not about achieving a goal or proving to others that you are more abundant than they are. It's about reducing the intensity of your limiting beliefs around money. If you pay attention to the abundant side of your life for one week, you will raise your vibration around the subject of money and your reality will shift as a result. We think you will be pleased with the change in your reality.

With our love,
We are Joshua
