Isabelle Question #55


Hi Joshua,

I sense myself graduating and I find it exhilarating and a little scary. But as our questions come to an end I have another for you! I was thinking about beliefs and how our vibration is changed by everything we interact from our experiences. I understand that our feelings or how we feel, whether we are in a state of love, or fear attract thoughts, either positive or negative. Depending on our perception. Also we can easily let go of feelings as they do not define us, because our authentic self is a being of pure positive love. I understand that our vibration is directly related to our perception. But how do beliefs stick to our vibration. A belief is a thought that we have over and over and does it carve or intertwine in our vibration? Is it the energy of the belief vibrate within us? Does the belief reside in the body because it makes up the energy of the cells? Just so curious how we own beliefs. I understand that these beliefs are just thoughts and can be easily released too.

With love your student,

Dear Isabelle,

Your vibration is the culmination of your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, approach to life, desires, fears, and beliefs, both limiting and beneficial. Imagine that your vibration is a statement of who you are. In this statement, you define yourself and the definition is purely limiting as any definition must limit the subject to the statement of that definition. What you understand to be true of you is a definition and so it is limiting. Even your beneficial beliefs are limiting, because they define the limits by which you can be considered good and worthy. If your vibration is the definition of who you are now, then your vibration limits what you can experience in this reality and this is a very good thing.

You are a limitless being, yet your vibration defines and limits you. This seems to be contradictory. If you are limitless, then how can your vibration possibly define you? Because it is the very definition of who you are being now and since you are not being your authentic self, you have set your own limitations in the form of your limited idea of who you are. Your reality is defined by your vibration and so you experience a limited reality. Now, your vibration has the potential to be as unlimited as you really are and it can represent this limitlessness to the universe. It is not the job of your vibration to explain anything to the universe other than the definition of self by which you choose to define yourself. Your vibration is like your shadow, it can only be the representation of who you are being in any moment.

If you are being ornery in the moment, your vibration emits that aspect of yourself and you attract thoughts and urges based on this attitude. If you believe that something is bad, this is more solid and tends to last with you from one moment to the next and so your vibration consistently adds this feature of limiting belief in your vibration. You see the vibration is nothing other than the representation of who you are being in the moment. Your vibration fluctuates depending on you mood and your current set of beliefs. Maintain an elevated mood and you attract based on that. Reduce the intensity of a limiting belief and you attract a new reality based in the new vibration you have created through the alteration of a belief.

What you receive is a perfect match to your vibration. Does this make sense? It would be very strange to receive something that was beyond your vibration, because you would not be prepared for it. That means that everything you receive is right for you and you can handle it. It is the most basic principle of physical reality. You receive that which you are a match to, therefore everything you receive is for you and you can handle it. You will never receive anything you can't handle, because the universe knows what you believe.

Your beliefs are just thoughts you rigidly adhere to. If you want your reality to be different than it is, alter your beliefs. Your beliefs are your definition of the world. The more rigid your beliefs, the more consistent your world will feel. The more flexible your beliefs, the more magical your world will appear to you. Reduce the intensity of your limiting beliefs, especially about yourself, and your reality will shift to show you what you now believe. Play with your beliefs. Test your beliefs. Try some experiments. Most of your beliefs were adopted without any personal experience. All of your limiting beliefs are false. Some of them are necessary to keep you alive, but since you are a limitless being, they can never be true.

With our love,
We are Joshua
