Isabelle Question #50


Hi Joshua,

Can you help me change my vibration around receiving? I was having a conversation with Source this morning and we were discussing my faith in the system and a few fears around it. Also, my fear about receiving. I believe that others are worthy of receiving everything they desire, but I am limited in my perspective. I'm sure it has to do with culture and how I was raised. I know it is not logical but here I am.

Your student,

Dear Isabelle,

This is one of our favorite subjects because it is so confusing to most people. Imagine living in a reality that is designed to deliver to you anything that you desire. You wish this idea was true when in fact it is true. How ironic! Imagine living with the illusion that you must work and take anything you get rather than ask and receive anything you want. What a difference! Yes, this reality is all about asking, allowing, and receiving. It is an attractive universe. If you attract something, then you can only receive it.

You have been receiving all of your life. You are an excellent receiver, but sometimes you're not the best allower. Allowing is a function of receiving. It is the second step. The first step is asking (and you did most of that through the intentions you set prior to your birth), the second step is allowing, and the third step is receiving. If you ask (and you cannot help but to ask all day, every day), then you must allow, and so you shall receive. If you ask and do not allow, then you will not receive.

You have the asking part down pretty much (you allow yourself to ask for what you believe and expect you are worthy or receiving), you allow most of what you ask for, and you are an excellent receiver. If you want to receive more, don't worry about the receiving part, focus more on the asking part and the allowing part.

If you felt that you were worthy, you would not limit that which you asked for and you would allow everything that came. Therefore, you limit what you will desire and you do not allow for it to come. If you felt more worthy, you would ask for more and you would allow more to flow to you. Therefore, the key to receiving more than you currently receive is to feel more worthy. You are perfect as you are, you cannot improve, there's nothing more for you to know, and you do not need to be any different than you are now. All you must do (all you can do) is see yourself as more worthy, as more deserving, as more whatever, than you see yourself now.

Imagine you are perfect as you are the day before you start college. You can be no more perfect. You need not be different than you are on this day to receive all that you want. So why are you going to school for four years? Is it to learn things and become smarter? Absolutely not. You are not really going to learn anything, all you are going to do is see yourself differently at the end of the experience. By seeing yourself differently, you will have new beliefs and expectations about what you want and deserve and so you will allow those things to come to you.

If you did not go to college, you would have less expectations and more limiting beliefs about who you are as a person and this would affect what you allowed yourself to ask for and to receive. Do you see how this works? If you saw the magnificence that is you and you believed it, then you would ask for bigger stuff and you would allow more of it to come. It is not about being bigger or more worthy than you already are right now, it's all about seeing yourself as more than you do right now. So practice seeing yourself as we see you; a magnificent and perfect being of energy and love who is worthy and deserving of anything she can think of.

With our love,
We are Joshua
