Isabelle Question #5


Hi Joshua,

Are the cells in our body different beings experiencing the physical and they go in and out?


Dear Isabelle,

Each cell in your body is a unique life-form experiencing physical reality just as you are. You are not your body, you are the leader of the community of beings that make up your body. Each cell in your body is a unique being experiencing the joy of physical reality and is expanding in the process. Each cell has a purpose and came with a set of intentions. Each one is here to do what it intended to do and expand in joy in the process. You have influence over the cells, but no direct control. By being easy, removing stress, and thinking thoughts of harmony in the body and appreciation for each and every cell, you allow your cells to receive well-being and to perform as they intended in complete harmony with every other cell in your body.

Each new cell comes in at some point and lives for a while and then returns to the nonphysical. Those cells that make their transition to the nonphysical are replaced by new cells with fresh energy. The new cells are not only a perfect vibrational match to who you are at the moment they come in, but also to the earth as it is in the moment. This is where your energy and vitality comes from. It comes from the constant and everchanging composition of your body as old cells leave and new cells enter. When you live free from stress, you allow well-being to flow to the cells.

Stress causes inner conflict and has a negative effect on the cells of your body over the long-term. When you carry negative emotion, you tend to cause an environment where the flow of well-being is limited to the degree of your stress. If you can relieve that stress by perceiving your reality in an empowering way, you open the flow of well-being. Whenever you do anything to remove stress, such as relax, meditate, have a glass of wine, read a book, get lost in a movie, have fun with friends, or any other stressrelieving activity, you allow well-being to flow and the cells operate as they are designed. The cells of your body can handle any stress in the short-term. In the longterm, the restriction of well-being will take a toll on the cells of your body and harmony will turn into dissonance.

All of the cells in your body are useful. All of them are right. There is a perfect balance and the combination of cells that make up your body in this moment has never existed before. Your body changes millions of times per second as the mix of cells in your body changes. This means that you can literally alter the mix of cells to achieve anything you desire. It is the desire itself that causes the mix of cells to form into the combination that will allow your desire to come to you. You may not have control over the cells, but the cells are ready and willing to alter themselves to accomplish anything you truly desire.

If you want to maintain perfect health, the cells are ready. If you want to change the shape of your body, the cells are happy to comply. If you want to run a marathon, the cells of your body will form themselves around that idea. You can literally be, do, and have anything you want and the body you have now will accommodate your true desires. All you have to do is remove your focus on what's wrong and focus on all that is right. If you can do this, then truly anything is possible. You do not want to escape the conditions you do not like, you want to always be moving toward the manifestation and appreciation of everything you like and everything you want only because it will be fun to be, have, and do those things.

With our love,
We are Joshua
