Isabelle Question #44


Hi Joshua,

Thank you for the live call yesterday and conveying the message that it is ok to get a root canal from the dentist. Sometimes I just don't know.

So I started my Facebook public page Starseed Energy. I went back and forth with a group versus a public page and went with a public page because that was how the inspiration came to me. Maybe I should have both? I'm not sure if it matters, but I'm pretty open to all of it. I hope you can see my vibration as allowing and open. (LOL)

Source spoke to me today, telling me that I just took my first step and then Source showed me the image of a parent video recording a baby first step. Because as a parent, you know that it is just the beginning and soon the baby will be running, jumping and leaping. Let us marvel at the first step. The baby was perfect before learning to walk and will be perfect after, but to enjoy the moment. That was the message; enjoy the moment. So I'm enjoying that I took a baby step, or learning how to walk. I'm setting my intention to be easy. I sense I will remember all, but it is ok, just to sit back and laugh and marvel in the moment. I may understand that I am perfect, but everyday I become to believe and know that I am.

With Love,
your Student Isabelle

Dear Isabelle,

The only difference between who you are now and the expanded version of you is your expanded idea of who you are. You are perfect as you are now. You are already fully equipped to do anything you might want to do. You are self-contained and complete as you are. If you are to grow, the growth is only in terms of how you feel about yourself. If you are to be more powerful than you are right now, the only thing that will change is your opinion, belief, and idea about how powerful you are.

You have all the answers to all questions contained within your very being. There is nothing outside of you. There is nothing to be afraid of. You cannot make any wrong decisions. All fear that you might be feeling is a fear of loss. It's the fear of loss of your persona, your idea of who you are, your way of life, your friends and family, and even your job. However, this is all an illusion of danger. There is no danger. The baby isn't afraid of walking because the baby has no fear of loss. The baby is not worried that walking will mean that you will no longer carry her around. The baby is moving toward the logical expansion of self. In being able to walk, the baby is expanded, but no more or less perfect and therefore nothing meaningful is lost.

Your work now is to fearlessly practice your gifts and talents and to allow them to expand as you recognize your power. As this unfolds and becomes more, your selfidentity will shift. You need not fear that because you will always be you. You will never be someone you are not. You will never become an inauthentic version of you as you move towards authenticity. You will simply become more fully you.

As you are now, you live perceiving yourself in a limited way. Of course, you perceive yourself having all these wonderful attributes and personality traits. You are more confident than most people in your situation. However, as confident as you may feel, you are still perceiving yourself in a highly limited way. This is because this limited version of you is safe. You do not have to put yourself out there and expose yourself to too many people. You do not have to face some extremely limiting fears. You do not have to take risks. But the risks cannot lead to any real danger, only the potential that you will come out of alignment, feel fear, and experience negative emotion. Therefore, your job must be to do only one thing: get very good at confronting and processing fear.

Your life will unfold as you intended when you maintain your alignment and follow inspiration to act. At first your fears will be small and your desires will be strong. However, as you move forward, you will have to keep catching up with your opinion of who you really are. As you expand, you will be confronted with more and more limiting beliefs about self. You will have to continually expand your idea of who you are because you are being called to something that is greater than you feel you are. It will always feel that way and you will want to minimize the impact of the fear by being less than who you must be. It will always be a tug-of-war between who you really are and the safe and small eversion of yourself. You will want to diffuse this by saying and doing things that make excuses for what you are being asked to do and who you are being asked to be.

Forget all that and simply embrace the fact that you are more magnificent than you can imagine and so is everyone else, but you have chosen to step into that version of you fully and completely. You must never, ever make excuses for being the most expanded version of Isabelle. To do that, you have got to become proficient at managing and processing fear.

With our love for you,
We are Joshua
