Isabelle Question #39


Hi Joshua,

Can you share anything about our light bodies? Will our bodies be the same but lighter in density? I know that we are working to realize our true potential and I'm enjoying the journey. Whatever you can share for my highest good.

With Love,

Dear Isabelle,

Your body is made up of energy. Light is a form of energy. You are a form of light body right now. Humans will not so much change physically, because all humans are made of energy now, you will come to know what that energy is (Source energy) and how to better wield it to manifest the things and experiences the excite and delight you. Most humans are focused in a resistant way on things they think are bad or wrong. It is an approach to life that is in opposition to the laws of the universe and this is why life feels so heavy. Most humans are worried and frightened. They are not having a good time and so the energy that creates worlds does not flow through them. If you were to live by the new approach to life of allowing, you would feel so much differently than you feel right now.

In the new approach to life, you flow with life rather than against it. You see all things as good. You understand that everything that comes to you is for you and you look at all experiences as good and valuable. You fear things so much less than you do now. You do not look to the past in regret or remorse and you do not look to the future in worry or anxiety. You stay focused in the present moment and enjoy whatever is going on at the time. You become present and authentic.

Authenticity allow you to be who you really are without trying to manipulate others through inauthentic behavior. You no longer seek to control or change other people. You no longer have any interest in changing the conditions. You are focused on the absolute perfection of all that is and you live in a state of consistent acceptance. You strive in every moment to feel good and as you maintain your focus on only that which feels good, you become elated, exuberant, excited, interested, and blissful. This is the new approach to life for all light bodies. You can approach life in this manner right now. Nothing is stopping you. Your body is fully equipped and prepared for a life of bliss. It is ready for you to step into your authenticity. There is nothing holding you back other than irrational fear.

So then, if irrational fear is the only thing preventing you from living a life of bliss and becoming your authentic self, there's just one thing you must do; become highly proficient at resolving irrational fear. Irrational fear must pop up into your experience of life. It is part of the fabric of physical reality. You cannot escape it. You do not want to escape it. You want to meet it head on, analyze it, prove that it is false, and reduce the intensity of the limiting belief that the fear supports. Get good at doing this and you will move towards your authentic self and the life you truly want to live.

You are a light body right now. Your thoughts of fear dim that light. Think thoughts that align with who you really are and what you truly want and the light will become brighter. You will feel lighter. Everything will seem easier. Everything will start falling into place. You will gain a connection to your nonphysical source unlike anything you have ever experienced before. You will discover powers you were not aware of. Things will change. You will see yourself in a new light. You will find your true power. You will discover you true self. In doing this, everything will become clear to you. It is time to start focusing on who you really are and becoming the authentic version of Isabelle.

With our love,
We are Joshua
