Isabelle Question #33


Hi Joshua,

I started writing like you suggested and I'm not holding any attachment. It is curious that I'm channeling a book about me in a sense. I have a cold and I'm thinking it must be due to some resistance? Maybe it is just changes I'm going through?

Love your stuffy nose friend,

Dear Isabelle,

You are certainly changing. There is no doubt about that. The vibrational changes always carry some resistance and it is most often felt in the body, because the body is an easy messenger. As long as you notice the message, you can understand that there is resistance to the change that is occurring right now.

You need not resist change, because the change is just a perceptual thing. You think you are changing now, as a result of this conversation with us, but you are always in a state of change. You change billions of times per second. You cannot help but change. It's just that now you are noticing it.

Since the change you notice is based on what you are perceiving, you can alter your perception of this change in a way that is empowering. You are not giving anything up. You are not losing anything. You are simply moving from a limited version of you to an expanded version of you. All change is from a more limited place to an expanded place and so this change is perfectly natural. It's just that you are noticing this change and you do not consciously notice the vast majority of all other changes.

What is really changing? You are becoming aware that there is more to you than you knew. You are understanding that you are here for a purpose. You were under the illusion that you were not as worthy as you really are. You lived by a perception that you did not have the powers that you actually possess. You are coming to understand the magnificence that is you and it is a little overwhelming. You are caught in the doubt that the ego creates around such changes and the enthusiasm of the future you prefer unfolding in your life. There is a little wobble stuck in your vibration and it is manifesting itself as a cold. As you know, the cold will dissipate on its own. There's nothing you ever have to worry about.

So what do you do now? You reassess your life. You decide what you want now knowing that who you are is much greater than what you had been led to believe. If you can create your reality any way you like, what is it that you want? Think about your true desires (those that were intended prior to your birth) as compared with what you think you want. Your true desires are general in nature. You want love, joy, harmony, peace, interest, compassion, passion, etc. Those things will all unfold naturally as you focus on what it is you truly enjoy out of life. When you are immersed in your passion, your true desires unfold naturally because you are not holding onto much resistance.

As long as you can maintain your alignment and go with the flow of life by seeing everything that comes to you as for you, then your true desires will unfold. When you think things are wrong or bad, you will tend to want to fix them. These desires are created out of contrast and are based in a fear that something is wrong. Since nothing is wrong, they are not true desires. They tend to be false desires. You can certainly manifest them, as you can manifest anything, but the manifestation of false desires will not really solve the problem.

You do not have to do anything to make your dreams come true other than maintaining a positive emotional state and allowing inspiration to guide you. Feel good and goodfeeling things will come to you. Focus on whatever excites you and interests you in the moment and move toward those things by pushing past the fears that will eventually pop up. There is little resistance in you now and so these changes will be able to flow more easily from this point forward.

With our love,
We are Joshua
