Arnaud Question #50


Dear Joshua,

I have been offered the new job, and I have accepted the offer.

I find the fears that come up when I consider the change are quite easy to process and overcome. The way I see it, this is a new platform from which I can practice my skills as a conscious creator and the challenges are hugely exciting. This is the perfect opportunity that matches my increased vibration.

I also received some great feedback from the interview process, which has really boosted the sense of my own worthiness.

I'm looking at aspects of my current job right now and thinking "oh, I'm quite happy not to have to deal with this and that anymore." But I guess, now is a perfect time to set my intentions for the new job, and focus on my preferences.

I intend to create a work environment that is fun and interesting. I intend to love my new colleagues. I intend to use this new platform to expand in joy. I intend to allow new and exciting ideas to come to me and create something that I am proud of...

It's all good really. Any other advice you would give me?

With love,

Dear Arnaud,

You received the new job, because you see yourself from a new and higher perspective. You pushed past the fears and accepted the job, because you see yourself from a higher perspective, you've process limiting beliefs, and the fears are not strong enough to limit you. You are a vibrational match to this new job. That means that the new job has something more to offer you in the way of expansion.

You are here for the expansion offered through the experience of your life. If you chose not to expand in a new direction, then you could have stayed at your previous job and played it a bit safer. However, you have chosen to move forward for the sole purpose of greater levels of expansion. That's all this new job is; a vehicle for greater expansion.

The job itself is meaningless. You are not good for taking this job or bad for leaving your old job. You are limitless and cannot be defined by this job. In fact, this new job as wonderful as it may seem, is actually just a stepping stone to greater and greater levels of expansion. If you allow the job to be whatever it is and you process all of your fears quickly and easily, you'll outgrow this job in a remarkably short period of time and you'll find new offers and opportunities thrown at your feet. The job itself does not mean anything. You bring all the meaning it will ever have and so you get to make that part up.

Rather than setting specific intentions for what you want the job to be, we suggest going general. "I intend to feel good. I intend to experience joy, growth, and interest. I intend to receive satisfaction. I intend to process my fears as they arise. I intend to allow this job, and the people involved, to be as they will be. I will focus my attention on the positive aspects and understand the opportunities for growth as they present themselves." By setting general intentions, you allow your path to be open and flexible. This creates an environment where fear will not present itself as easily. If you set specific intentions, you might feel as if things are not working out and this will create doubt and stress. Instead, release your attachment to any specific outcome and adopt an attitude of the observer.

The job is not good or bad, it is neutral. You will create your reality in this new environment by choosing your perspective. What will always matter will be your opinion of yourself. Do not compare yourself to others, only to past versions of you. Seek at all times to maintain your confidence and realize that you are an equal to all others. You are not subordinate or superior to anyone else. You are equal. You might play a role, but do not let that role influence you away from your power. Imagine that you know more about universal laws that the others do and this is your secret source of confidence.

Maintain your alignment and you'll be inspired to do and say things that will be for your best interests and the benefit of all involved.

Congratulations on your expansion.

With our love,
We are Joshua
