Arnaud Question #47


Dear Joshua,

I understand conceptually how the new approach works and how it differs from the old one. What I am not quite clear about and could do with your insight is the role and definition of "preference".

Sometimes I feel like "preference" is allowing and non resistant, and sometimes I feel like "preference" creates a "want" and becomes resistance.

Like we have true and false desires, do we also have true and false preferences?

With love,

Dear Arnaud,

This is an excellent question. You know what you prefer and what you do not prefer. The things you like are preferences and the things you do not like are not wrong or bad, they are simply things you personally do not prefer. If you like chocolate ice cream and someone serves vanilla, you do not get upset, you do not seek to rid the world of vanilla, you simply accept the vanilla and appreciate its good qualities in the moment and you allow it to be what it is. In doing this, you alter your attention away from the wrongness of vanilla and toward what you prefer; chocolate.

In the old approach to life, you spent all of your time insisting that only chocolate ice cream is served and all other flavors are obliterated from the planet. This is essentially how you tried to control the conditions. However, due to the Law of Attraction, your insistence that vanilla is bad caused you to attract more vanilla. In the new approach to life, you allow whatever is to come as it is and you simply appreciate what you prefer. You are grateful for the times you receive chocolate AND for the times you receive vanilla. You understand that when you receive chocolate, it means you are a vibrational match to chocolate. You further understand that when you receive vanilla, it means there is something in your vibration that resonates with vanilla and therefore, vanilla is the perfect flavor for this moment. You take the higher perspective and allow what is to be perfect for you.

You select a preference for chocolate and so your vibration is tuned in general to chocolate. You receive chocolate in greater abundance because your vibration is not muddled with a desire for chocolate and a hatred of vanilla. The muddled vibration has the preference for chocolate as well as the hatred of vanilla. The universe does not pay attention to your preferences, but only to your vibration. Your vibration is informed with the love of chocolate as well as the hatred of vanilla and so you get a bit of both. If you love chocolate and are okay with everything else, you leverage the powers of the universe and you get more of what you prefer and less of what you do not prefer.

With our love,
We are Joshua
