Arnaud Question #29


Dear Joshua,

Lately, I have been making conscious efforts throughout the day to reframe my thoughts, not just when I encounter a manifestation event, but every time I have just expressed or thought what I realise to be a limiting belief. I have a strong intention to identify those moments when I perceive the conditions to be controlling me, to affirm to myself my power as a creator and my magnificence. I feel like I have been quite successful and it's helping me to feel more confident.

Sometimes, it feels a bit like I'm paying lip service to those empowering thoughts (ie, I don't always feel the relief of this empowering perspective) but I'm comforted in the thought that having this approach is evidence of my raised vibration.

I imagine that the speed at which the vibration rises is regulated by the law of attraction?

With love,

Dear Arnaud,

The purpose of reframing your thoughts from limiting ones to empowering ones is simply a matter of perspective. If you have a limiting thought, it means you are choosing a limiting perspective and this knocks you out of alignment. That's all it does. When you are out of alignment, you perceive a reality that is not the true reality, you perceive danger when there is none, and you don't feel good. The reason you don't feel good is due to the message you are being sent as a reminder that you are choosing a limited perspective.

By choosing to reframe limiting thoughts with empowering thoughts, you maintain your alignment more of the time. That's all. In alignment, you feel better than when you're out of alignment. In alignment, you perceive reality as it really is (even if you do not believe it). In alignment, you are receptive to inspiration coming from the nonphysical. And in alignment, you are more likely to push through fear. You also build momentum towards alignment. All good reasons to reframe your thoughts even if you're only faking it.

The speed at which your vibration rises will be determined by your ability to receive inspiration and act on that inspiration. This is a two-part process. The more you are in alignment, the more you will receive inspiration. You receive inspiration all day long, numerous times per day. Most of the inspiration is subtle and you go along with it. If you notice aligned numbers, for instance, it's because you are receptive to inspiration. Your guides are making you aware of these aligned numbers because you are in a receptive and allowing state. Did you consciously feel the rush of inspiration? No, it was subtle. Most inspiration is subtle. It's up to you to become aware of it and then the realize its value.

You birth a desire. The desire is manifested. It's your job to become a vibrational match to it. How do you think this happens? Your guides guide you to certain actions that will result in the manifestation of your desire. If you were to take the action you are inspired to take when you receive the inspiration, you would make a very rapid transformation into the version of you who is ready for your desires to manifest. And they would manifest and you would be quickly and easily on to the next desire. The more often you are in alignment, the more allowing you are to the reception of inspiration. That's the main purpose of alignment. That's the direct benefit of replacing limiting thoughts with empowering thoughts.

The first part of the process is to be aware of inspiration. The second part of the process is to act on that inspiration. When you act on any inspiration at all, you do it by overcoming whatever fears stand in your way. If the inspiration is subtle and the fears are nearly nonexistent, you easily take the action. When you see aligned numbers, there is no real fear there and so it is easily accomplished. However, we must say that you have to be in an aligned state to receive the inspiration in the first place. Therefore, the evidence that you are in an aligned state and ready to receive inspiration comes from your ability to see aligned numbers. This is evidence that you are currently in the state of allowing.

In more advanced instances of inspiration, there will be stronger fears. You see someone you are attracted to and you feel the spark and the excitement that comes with inspiration, but the fear pops up to prevent you from acting on your inspiration. The fear indicates that you have a limiting belief and thus you are not ready for the manifestation of your desire. If you do not analyze and process that limiting belief in order to reduce its intensity, you will not become a vibrational match to your desire because you will continue to allow fear to stop you from taking action.

An empowering thought will always benefit you compared to a limiting thought. Yes, it may be lip service at first, but you will build momentum and when you begin to really understand and acknowledge the positive aspects that are available to be seen in every situation, you will begin to believe those empowering thoughts. When this happens, you will maintain your alignment more and more and more so that you will be ready to receive the inspiration that will lead to the unfolding of your desires.

With our love,
We are Joshua
