Arnaud Question #22


Dear Joshua,

Thank you for your last answer, which was rather illuminating. It did strike some chords!

Here's a paragraph from a book by one of my favourite writers (1Q84, by Haruki Murakami) that I was recently inspired to re-read. I came across this excerpt this week: "Tengo decided to discard the manuscript he had written thus far and start a brand new story from scratch. He closed his eyes and, for a long time, listened closely to the dripping of the little spring inside him. Eventually the words began to come naturally to him. Little by little, taking all the time he needed, he began to form them into sentences."

This paragraph, small as it seems, completely stopped me in my track as I read it. It seemed so in tune with what I was focusing on (i.e. channelling), like a mirror of my current thoughts, that it was simply impossible to ignore or brush off as coincidence (since there are no coincidences anyway).

Reading your last answer also made me realise that this perspective of my collaborative dance with non-physical is very tightly connected to my perspective on freedom and helped me uncover some limiting beliefs around that.

I don't know why, but this paragraph has sparked some excitement in me, and is pushing me to do like the protagonist in the novel. So, I shall follow on that inspiration without any attachment to the outcome!

With love,

Dear Arnaud,

Imagine that you are connected to Source energy, to your millions of guides and supporters and to your inner self. Imagine that these beings know what you intended to experience in physical reality prior to your birth. Imagine that they are always guiding you to the unfolding of these true desires. Imagine that you are able to hear them when you are in alignment and that you make it more difficult to hear them when you are focused on something that you believe is wrong. Imagine that when you hear them, you believe it is your own idea. But what if the idea came from your nonphysical friends? What would that mean?

That would mean that since your nonphysical friends know what you intended to explore, know what your true desires are, know how to bring you to them, and see your life from the higher perspective, they just might be leading you directly to everything you truly want. Isn't that an interesting idea? What if all you had to do to be guided to everything you truly want is to maintain a positive emotional state of alignment? If you could do that, then you could receive these inspired ideas and if the fear wasn't too strong, you could actually act on these inspiring ideas yourself. Well, our fine friend, that's exactly how the system works.

You found yourself in a positive emotional state of being and you were open to inspiration. Your guides sent you a message in the form of inspiration. They asked you to open one of your favorite books. They caused you to turn to a page. They guided you to a line which read: "Tengo decided to discard the manuscript he had written thus far and start a brand new story from scratch. He closed his eyes and, for a long time, listened closely to the dripping of the little spring inside him. Eventually the words began to come naturally to him. Little by little, taking all the time he needed, he began to form them into sentences."

Tengo realized that he did not need to make up the story himself. He came to understand that the story was being given to him and little by little he formed his thoughts into sentences. The thoughts were given to him. Isn't that what is happening to you when you channel? Isn't that what's happening for everyone when they write any book, paint and painting, create any new invention, or discover any innovation? You think that you're making it all up. You doubt what's happening because it's so easy. But is there any benefit in believing that anything is an original creation? is there any benefit in harboring doubt? Wouldn't it be easier to believe that everyone is being sent inspiring ideas by their own millions every time they get into a state of alignment? Well our dear friend, that's exactly what's happening.

No one has access to information that is out of reach of anyone else. Everyone has the same access. If you raise your vibration high enough, you will be given whatever you ask for. All you need is the desire for the information, the interest in the subject, the belief that you are worthy to receive the ideas, and the courage to push through your fears to do what you are inspired to do.

With our love,
We are Joshua
