Arnaud Question #18


Hi Joshua,

Back in May, I thought I started to channel a stream of consciousness that I called Isaiah. I did a few question and answers with them, and enjoyed that process. However, there was always a part of me that didn't quite believe that I was really channeling, so I kind of neglected that a little bit (although I think I have conversations in my head). It is something I am really keen to rekindle and develop, though. Today, I went back to these questions and answers that I had written back in May. And I was really stunned and surprised by how much it resonated with me. Much more that it did at the time after I wrote these answers. So, I decided to give it another try today...

I have a bit of a situation at the moment. My uncle, quite a close one, passed away this week. I understand that he has only transitioned and I'm fine with that. But I find it difficult to maintain my alignment when faced with the grief of the family around me. I considered going back to France for the funeral but I am looking at every excuse not to because I fear not being able to maintain my alignment once I'm there. In a way, I know that this isn't a big deal in itself, if I lose my alignment, I know how to regain it and it shouldn't be too hard for me to do so. I also want to be of value to them...

So, I asked Isaiah that very question today and here is the answer I got:

How do I deal with the grieving situation I am facing right now?

You know there are two perspectives on everything. One that serves you. One that doesn't. You need to accept whatever perspective others are choosing to see. It is their experience and that's the only perspective they can see right now. They are free, like you, to reach for a different and better feeling perspective if they want to. That's how they evolve and expand. They need that distress to understand that there is another option that can make them feel better. Because you don't know how they feel, you can't know what thoughts can make them feel better. What you can do, however, is be the catalyst to the inspiration to the thoughts that feel better. You do that through your alignment. You are not providing them with thoughts to think, you are allowing them to become a match to better feeling thoughts. Only them can do that. Can you see the difference?

What do you think, Joshua? And what would you advise?

With love,

Dear Arnaud,

We would say exactly the same thing. You have a choice of perspective and so do they. However, you are aware of your power in alignment and they are not. You know it is appropriate to be joyous in these occasions and they believe it is appropriate to be in grief. In grief, one feels bad, because they are choosing a perspective that is not in line with reality. Their inner selves are sending them messages in the form of negative emotion. They think it is natural and you know it is not. You need not talk them out of their grief, but you can show them another option.

You are a teacher. You teach through your ability to maintain your alignment. When you choose the perspective of love at all times, at times like these, then you stay connected with Source energy. You are connected with the energy of love. They are all connecting with the energy of fear. They fear that what happened to your uncle was bad. They fear death. That's like fearing birth. It's simply a transition from one realm to the next. There need be no fear around that. They fear loss, but the loss is an illusion. There is no loss.

Why be in alignment around them? Because from the state of love, you will be inspired to do and say things in love. You will tap into this stream of intelligence and you will be inspired to do and say things that will be of benefit. You might just help them feel better about the death of your uncle by doing and saying things that they cannot reach due to the perspective they've chosen. Do they need you to come and help them see a new way? No. Do you need to go and see if you can maintain your alignment around them? No. If you go, you can use it as an opportunity to practice maintaining your alignment. If you stay, that decision is probably based in the fear that you will not maintain your alignment. Either way it's fine. We just think that your uncle would appreciate one happy person in attendance. But then again, he could not care less about such things!

With our love,
We are Joshua
