Arnaud Question #12


Dear Joshua,

I'm curious to get your perspective on the fact that I never seem to be able to have any money left in the bank from one payday to another. No matter how much I intend to, things always get tight in the last few days of the month. Why is that and how can I change this?

With love,

Dear Arnaud,

What is a fact? It is a highly intense belief. That highly intense belief can be beneficial and true or limiting and false. Is it a fact that you can't seem to have any money left over or is it a belief? Does the belief create the fact? It certainly does.

If you had a different belief, you would have a different experience. If you believed it was a fact that you had money left over at the end of the month, that would become fact. If you had the belief that you were worthy of more money, that would become fact. Your vibration sends a signal out to the universe and the universe forms your reality around that vibration. You can create any reality you desire. The fact is that you are a perfect vibrational match to the reality you enjoy right now. The fact is that you can create literally any reality if you will simply alter your vibration to become a match to that new reality. You alter your vibration when you come to see yourself in a new light. From the higher perspective, you can glimpse who you really are.

You are a magnificent and limitless being of pure positive love and acceptance. That is a fact. Who you are being is a somewhat limited version of that. It is a fictional depiction of who you are based on some highly limiting beliefs you have about yourself. See yourself as more magnificent and you will employ new powers to overcome fear.

Fear limits you from being, doing, and having all that you want. You fear you are not worthy of it. You fear what others will think. You fear failure because you self-identify yourself with how well you do things. You've been called names in the past and now you identify and label yourself as such. These are nothing more than beliefs and we will demonstrate that to you.

What if you were born into the royal family? What if you were told you were a prince from the moment you were born? What if you were educated in the finest schools and had access to experiences only a prince could have? What if you were groomed to be the king? You would have a different opinion of yourself. You would hold yourself in higher regard. You would think of yourself from a much higher perspective. Now we are not saying that any of this would be beneficial or even appeal to you, we are simply saying that you would believe in yourself at a higher level and this belief would create a different reality.

It has nothing to do with who you are, how you were raised, or what talents or attributes you think you have. It has nothing to do with education, intelligence, or breeding. The only thing that matters is who you believe yourself to be, what opinions you have about yourself, and what you believe you are capable of. If you adjust those beliefs, then you will have an enhanced ability to move through fear. It is the ability to maintain an aligned state of being, receive inspiration in that aligned state, and move through the fear to act on that inspiration that will determine what your life looks like. It all comes down to how you choose to view yourself. You can choose anything you like. You can choose to become the authentic version of you or to carry on as the limited version. It's all up to you. See yourself as we see you and you'll not only have plenty of money left over at the end of the month, but you'll quite literally rule the world.

With our love,
We are Joshua
