Arnaud Question #10


Dear Joshua,

I often think that my reality reflects my own lack of worthiness. Or is it my fears that reflect that perceived lack? And then I ponder the abstract nature of worthiness. It almost seems to elude me like a slippery eel.

How would you define worthiness and describe what it feels like, Joshua?

And would you be able to recommend a little daily exercise to boost our sense of worthiness, in the style of the abundance exercise that you devised for Isabelle?

With love,

Dear Arnaud,

You are worthy of living the life you prefer because you are a unique representation of Source. You are as worthy as God, because you cannot be separated from God, which is All That Is. You are here on a journey of self-discovery. That journey eventually leads to the realization that you are God. Since you are God, can you be anything other than worthy? Of course not. However, physical reality is an environment that allows you to perceive the illusion that you are not God. Why did you come here? To be cast in an environment that allows for the discovery of who you really are. Isn't that fun and exciting?

Yes, the fact that you are worthy eludes you due to the illusion presented to you in physical reality. You see with your eyes and navigate reality with the rest of your senses. From the feedback you receive in the world you are creating, you are shown a reflection. That reflection is of how you perceive yourself. If you perceived yourself as God, you would be worthy. But there's a bit more to the story. If you felt worthy, you would have that reflected in your reality. So then, feel worthy to be shown worthiness or feel unworthy to be shown how unworthy you feel. It's your choice. Isn't that helpful to know?

How does one feel worthy when they have a belief that they are not worthy? Reduce the intensity of this highly limiting belief. How do you do that? You prove to yourself that you are worthy and in doing that, you prove the belief that you are not worthy is false. If the limiting belief is based in an irrational fear, then it is false and you can prove it's false. You just have to look for evidence that you are worthy.

Look in your garden. Do you see a bird? Is that bird not worthy? Is it unworthy of existence in this reality? Did it not do its work to get here just like you did? Are you superior to the bird? Is the bird superior to you? Are you superior to any other human? Is any other human superior to you? Could you prove that anyone was more worthy than you? The answer to all these questions is no and that is proof of your worthiness.

You are a unique expression of Source and so is everyone else. You are unique to all of the world, all of history, and all of the future. No one has ever or will ever be anything like you. You are unique and this is proof that you are worthy, just as everyone is unique and worthy. In this unique aspect of who you are, you are equal to all others. No one is better or worse or more worthy or less worthy than you. You are perfect and so is everyone else. If you are perfect, then you must be worthy.

If you bought a ticket to the amusement park, would you be as worthy to ride the rides as everyone else who bought their ticket? You came from your nonphysical home to experience the adventure of physical reality. If you don't feel like you belong here, you are simply being fooled by the very same reality you came to explore. You knew you would be fooled, but you also knew you could pierce the illusion and see behind the curtain. Isn't that what you are doing now in this conversation with us?

It's not that you don't feel worthy, it's that you feel unworthy. In worthiness, there is no fear. Therefore, when you feel fear, when you experience negative emotion, you are being triggered by the limiting belief that you are not worthy. If you felt truly worthy, then you would be able to process those fears in the moment and maintain your alignment. The negative emotion is the evidence that you are not feeling worthy. So, feel worthy by processing fear a bit better.

When you experience negative emotion, it is because you are being triggered by a limiting belief. Now, we could go into great detail about all of the different limiting beliefs that you carry with you, but ultimately, all limiting beliefs are basically the belief that you are not worthy of love. It's just like all fears are ultimately the fear of loss. So, we would say, do not attach yourself to any definition of you, because in feeling unworthy, you use labels to define yourself in order to feel safe. When any of these labels is challenged, you feel the fear of loss and that translates into the fear of unworthiness. You fear that you are one of those humans on earth who is unworthy of love and you subconsciously look for evidence to prove this to yourself. Since reality is nothing more than a mirror, you can only see what you already feel. Stop buying into this illusion and relax. You are worthy of love and we know this is true because you are loved more than you can imagine by more than you can ever count; including us.

With our love for you,
We are Joshua
