Allyson Question #93


Dear Joshua,

I've been trying to stay on an exercise regime that may not be the best for me...and then I think, "Hey, I was 'inspired' to take spin three days in a row!" But my knees are killing me now. Are they hurting because I'm resisting something (like exercise or the mental fight for losing weight) or is there such a thing as overdoing it?

If friends are feeling pain, is there any light, 'easy to understand' comments of support (and teaching) that I can share with them - or should I smile and leave it alone? You know me, I want to 'help' and they might not be ready, nor even asking! They are just complaining, which of course drives me nuts!



Dear Allyson,

If you believe something is wrong, you dip into a lower emotional state of being. From this state, below the horizon line, you receive urges and ideas to change the condition. If you act on these ideas that are not aligned with who you really are or what you really want, you will face resistance because these urges are born in resistance. It's the resistance to what is. You do not change anything by complaining about it and acting on urges that come out of the resistance. You change by accepting everything as it is and then reaching for a new feeling that you would like to feel. From a positive emotional state of loving what is, you receive inspiration that perfectly aligns with who you are and what you truly want. When you act on that inspiration, you will do things that feel good to you and you will not encounter pain or other unwanted physical conditions.

Imagine you look at your body in the mirror and you do not like what you see. What are you doing in the moment? You are arguing against what is, saying that you think what is is wrong. So then, you take a dip below the emotional horizon line and all the inspiration you receive is based on this lower emotional state of fear. It is the fear that you do not have the body you want and that you cannot create the body you prefer. So the fear causes you to want to change the conditions. The fear is a primal instinct and does not work to your benefit. You might indeed change the conditions through suffering, but they will always change back because the conditions are a perfect match to the vibration you are offering. Unless you change your vibration, you cannot really change the conditions. They will always reflect your vibration. This is the basis of physical reality.

You must find a way to love your body and from a place of love, choose a feeling you would like to explore. The feeling might be a lean and physically fit body. What would that be like? Wouldn't that be fun to explore? You offer no resistance to what is, you simply choose to reach for a new feeling. In this higher emotional state, above the horizon line, you will be inspired to take some action that will move you toward the realization of your desire. The action will be interesting, exciting, or fun. It will not be painful. Overall it will feel good. As long as you remain in that high emotional state for as long as it takes to feel the feeling you want, without being attached to any outcomes, only to the enjoyment of the process, the feeling you are asking for will be delivered to you. It will feel good when you have the initial inspiration, it will feel good when you are involved in the action, and it will feel good when you eventually manifest the feeling you have been reaching for. If you feel pain, you are pushing it too far because you are becoming impatient and you have dropped below the emotional line. Now it's time to try something new. Always return to that which feels good. There is no gain in pain.

With regard to your friends who are feeling pain, are you receiving inspiration to assist them or have you dipped below the emotional horizon and are you now receiving an urge to change their condition? If you receive an urge to fix them, then leave it alone. If you are truly inspired from a high emotional state of being and the action seems fun, interesting, or exciting, then you can take that action. But the action will be for you, so you must not become attached to any outcome. The action itself will lead to the next step. It might or might not help the other person, but it will always be for your benefit.

Everything you do in this life is for you. While you may be of service to others, you are always doing it for you. When you are inspired to do something from a place of love and feeling good, it will always be for your benefit. It might also seem to be of benefit to others, but that is besides the point. Any benefit to others is a nice side effect. The real benefit will be for you. Always remember that. This is your universe, you are at the center of it, and the experience of life is expanding you in the ways you intended. Nothing else can ever matter, so there is no need to help others. If you choose to do that, be aware that your actions are only designed to be of benefit to you.

If you act in love and do something for someone else in pain, the result will be for your benefit. If the other person is living in a lower emotional state of fear, and when pain manifests as a result of the resistance they are offering, they will never hear your words or understand your teachings. The way you help others is to be an example of authenticity and show them the benefit of processing fears and maintaining alignment. Your example will be the most beneficial thing you have to offer.

With our love,
We are Joshua
