Allyson Question #83


Dear Joshua,

I just began reading your response to my question on Psychic and became overwhelmed with "why doesn't everybody question and want to learn and yearn to understand" like I do?

Why can't/don't I have the (cant think of the right word) life that is share-able with all those around me? How come more people don't get it? Feeling very sad and anxious about this at this moment. Why?

Thank you! Now to finish reading :)

Dear Allyson,

This is a reality where infinite possible opportunities for exploration exist. If it was not infinite, then the possibilities would be limited and what would be the fun of that? Your life is sharable, but not with everyone. Other people's lives are sharable, but not with you. There are those who wish everyone was a Christian and subscribe to those beliefs. Or a Muslim, or Jewish, or a Buddhist, etc. There are those who are Communists, Socialists, and Capitalists, and Marxists, and they wish their lives were sharable. What they are wishing is for those close to them to want to believe what they believe. But if everyone believed the same thing, this reality would offer no opportunities for expansion and would therefore be useless.

Your life is sharable, but not as fully as you wish it was. You can share almost all of your thoughts, ideas, likes, preferences, and opinions with all of those around you. There are some ideas that they are not ready for. This is the tradeoff you agreed to as a being seeking and finding enlightenment. You chose to awaken in an awakening world where most are still asleep.

If everyone you knew was on a path to enlightenment and self-discovery as you are, you would carve out even more subtle niches and then disagree as to which niche was right. The fact is that everyone is on a path to enlightenment and awakening, just a different path. Neither is better or worse. Everyone is on a path to self-discovery and each path is unique because each person is unique. Everyone is moving from fear to love. You simply happen to be on the leading-edge of this movement.

You do not need those around you to see eye to eye with you. You do not have to convince them of anything. All you have to do is be a shining example of alignment and connect with those who you feel a connection with. You have connected to us, yet we are not your mate or best friend. You have connected to this community and you can develop that further. You live in an age where physical contact or proximity is not necessary. You can connect digitally and nonphysically. That is what you intended when you came here. You wanted the thrill and exhilaration of the discovery of something new. Not everyone is a vibrational match to what is new. Sometimes it takes a while for people to catch up. Some will catch up to you and they will benefit from it and some will not. You might think you want to control their path, but that is simply an impulse arising out of fear.

You are a being of love and acceptance. You have the ability to love and accept others even if they do not want to share in the knowledge and understanding that you have discovered. You are an explorer. Explorers like to get there first.

With our love,
We are Joshua
