Allyson Question #77


Hello Joshua,

So we four girls are off to a special day at a cooking school. One gal who is charge of driving pops a tire in an attempt to move the car. It could have been a huge issue but fortunately we had a husband to drive us up in a van and drop us off. All that went just fine.

She is notorious for problems. Obviously resisting something or things. What can I do to help, if anything? I let it go and didn't give suggestions or try to control. But I find I worry about her and want to help Thank you.

Make it an AOK day!


Dear Allyson,

We understand that you are an uplifter and you would like to feather the nests and clear the paths of all those who you see having a difficult time with things. But would you really rob them of their manifestation events? A manifestation event occurs for the purposes of allowing the individual the opportunity to uncover a limiting belief. Some people are unaware of some of these events and your friend might call a flat tire wrong and become upset with things like this. But on other occasions, she receives the message and alters her beliefs about things. In this instance, upon reflection, she will notice how things just work out when she doesn't panic or get herself in a mood. Here she is on vacation and another incident occurs in her reality. Yet, on this occasion, she is with friends and no one is particularly worried or concerned and one of the husbands gallantly arrives to save the day. Maybe she notices that things just work out when she keeps her mood elevated (or when others around her keep their moods elevated). You see, she is on her path just as you are on yours.

You find your way along your path and through this interaction with us, you do not see us helping you. We are not feathering your nest or clearing your path. We are never telling you what to do or how to fix anything that is wrong, because there is nothing to fix and nothing is wrong. Isn't that interesting? We are helping you by seeing your life as perfect and the way you travel your path is perfect too. All we are doing is maintaining our alignment and offering our higher perspective. We never disagree with you or make you wrong. We agree with everything you say and then we simply offer our observations only after you have requested them from us. That's the key. When you ask a question, you move into the vibration that will allow you to receive the answer. You must ask first. You must put forth the desire for the answer. In asking, we are delighted to offer our perspective and you are much more likely to be receptive to it. We could simply send you all the answers to every question you have before you even think to ask them, but you would not be vibrationally prepared for them and you would not understand the answers, nor would you receive the benefit.

When seeing anyone in need or trouble or dealing with what you perceive as a difficult situation, you might be inclined to offer some advice. In doing so, you are operating out of a position based in fear. The fear is that they are struggling. The reality is that they are moving along their path. In fear, you have the urge to help them, but if they have not asked for help, they are unlikely to be in the vibrational stance that would allow them to receive and understand your comforting words. Sometimes, they might actually perceive your loving words as an insult and as derogatory.

So, you need not help anyone with anything unless they ask for your help. When they ask, do not try to fix anything, because nothing is wrong. Simply allow them to see how it is right by offering a higher perspective. If they can receive it, they will. If not, there's nothing else you can do. By rearranging your idea of help, you can feel better yourself knowing that help is often unnecessary and not always beneficial. You help others best by being a shining example of alignment yourself. You make it so much easier to maintain your alignment by realizing that nothing is wrong and no one needs your help, because they are fully supported within.

With our love,
We are Joshua
