Allyson Question #7


Dear Joshua,

This past weekend was Easter and I attended a friend's church service. It's a Christian church. I have not attended many like it and I spent the whole time - while listening - "challenging" the statements made by the pastor.

"He is Risen" was stated over and over - He being Jesus. "He Died for Our Sins." I've never understood the whole issue or claims around 'sins'. And Jesus' death and rising to clear our sins for us.

And I've always been confused why people want to have a god that is judgmental. And, for that matter, why do people compete as they claim one god is better than another. I'm of the feeling that God is ... All Knowing, All Being, All Loving and basically Source Energy. He is not judgmental, we don't 'sin' ... I just can't understand it and sometimes I get frustrated listening to it. I also cannot debate it with my heavily Christian friends! Who was Jesus? Did he "die for our sins"? What's up with so many different gods? Is my God basically the Universe? Source?

I'm looking forward to some clarification.

Thank you,

Dear Allyson,

You are God, your neighbor is God, the pastor is God, everyone in the church is God, it's all God, but we prefer the term "All That Is." We only capitalize it because it's a name, but the name doesn't matter. You are one with All That Is and so you cannot be separate and therefore you are All That Is as is everything else. It's all God. It's all source energy.

Imagine that there is only one particle in all the universe. That one particle moves so fast that it encompasses everything that makes up physical reality. It makes up the Earth, you, everyone on earth, the moon, the sun, all the stars; everything. It moves so fast that no matter where you look, if you see something, it is there. It's just one particle, which means that everything is that particle. It is all one. It is all contained in one particle. You can call that particle Source, God, All That is, or whatever you want. You feel individual from other things in reality, but you are not. You're connected to everything because that particle is you and everything else; all at the same time.

Jesus understood this idea. He lived an authentic life. He saw himself, and everyone else as perfect. He did not look at their condition and judge them to be less than, he looked at them and judged them to be equal. All are equal in Source's eyes. You are a unique being with a unique perception of reality and so you are equal, because all perceptions are equally valid, meaningful, and make up all that is. You can't be anything else other than perfectly worthy and perfect as you are because your perception of reality belongs to you and it will always be perfect because it is the perfect representation of your vibration. You might evolve, but your perception of reality will continue to be unique and therefore always perfect. You can evolve, but you can't get better or worse. That's just a judgment.

Why do religions judge? Because they believe that the only perfection is God and they do not believe that they or you are God. If they saw that you were God, they would have to admit that you are perfect because God is perfect. However, human existence causes preferences, creates desires, and inherently relies on judgment. You can say that the life of a millionaire is preferable to the life of a homeless man. It might be to you, and that's fine, but both are living a unique life with a unique perception of reality that has never existed before. Both perceptions are equally valid. Both are perfect. Both people are equally worthy and are able to live whatever life they desire. From your perspective, you believe that one life is preferable to another which simply means that you think one is better than another. That's a judgment and the judgment is based in fear.

If there is judgment in religion, then religion is fear-based. Fear is the absence of love. Love is the absence of fear. A religion may teach love, but if it also teaches judgment, then it also teaches fear. To love is to accept unconditionally. Therefore, you must accept that there is no wrong, there is only a difference of perception and from your personal point of perception, you create judgements, desires, opinions, and everything out out of a place of fear. Your life of judgment is fear-based. It is an inauthentic life, but that is not wrong or bad. It's perfect.

With our love,
We are Joshua
