Allyson Question #56


Dear Joshua,

This is not a question - it's more realization reporting. The past few days have gone well in many ways. This morning I rose, set some broad intentions, felt energized and cheerful. I was dressing for exercise class and smiling and I thought to myself - Hey You, in the mirror, you look pretty good today.

An hour and a half later, less than fresh, one of the participants stopped and said, "Hello, Beautiful!"

Oh - my - Thank you, smile, pat him on the shoulder ...and I did accept the compliment. I got into my car and replayed it in my mind - and a bigger smile developed as I thought - So that was a super nice confirmation as a reflection of how I am feeling on the inside!

And then - I welled up with tears, all while giggling - and said, "Thank You Inner Self for agreeing and confirming as such. I do appreciate it when I see how far I've come in my learnings! I am love."

The morning was filled with ease. Filled with accomplishments of which most were inspired. And the "best" part - I'm having a good hair day. Trust me when I say - a good hair day is a really good physical sign that things are blipping along!

Your Happy Easy Going Friend,

Dear Allyson,

Isn't it nice to see the fundamental laws of the universe applied perfectly to reflect your emotional state of being. When you are being easy, you are being a being of love and so all that comes to you matches you, just like it does in any other state of being. Your ability to set your intentions and then let those intentions unfold with ease shows you just how simple and easy these laws are. When you can allow yourself to go with the flow of what is happening, and not put up any resistance, then these days of joy can be felt every day. You do not have to worry or fret. Those actions are forms of control. When you give up your control, you allow your attentions to spring forth magically into your reality. Isn't that a fun way to live?

You exist in one of two states of being; allowing or controlling. You can switch from an allowing state of being to a controlling state and back again; all in a single day. However, if you could just maintain that easy-going, allowing state to get going, you will build momentum and so the times of fear will be less troubling and less triggering.

Imagine maintaining this allowing state for just a few days. You go with the flow of life, paying attention to your mood, seeing everything as good, noticing all the good things that are coming to you, and maintaining your intention to feel good. You do this for one day and notice how nice everything is. You build a day's worth of momentum. In the evening, you set your intention to sleep well and to wake up feeling good. In the morning you wake up, meditate, and set your intentions to feel good. Throughout this next day, you blip along feeling good and maintaining the higher perspective, taking it easy and seeing things as working out for you. You keep this going for a few more days and you build strong momentum along the way. Then one day as you are maintaining a high vibration and feeling good, something catches your attention and you feel a bit of fear.

This is the interesting part of the story. You have gone a few days maintaining a high emotional state and feeling really good and now something scares you. Maybe you receive an unexpected bill in the mail and you react to it by taking a limited perspective. Immediately, you are flooded with intense negative emotion. Why do you feel so bad? It's because you have built up some momentum of feeling good and you are receiving a message from your inner self that you have taken your eye off the ball. You've been in alignment for a few days and suddenly this bill has caused you to take a limited perspective and feel fear.

The only thing that has really happened is that you've perceived this bill as a bad thing and your inner self is telling you that it is not a bad thing. The bill does not matter. It is for you. It is for your highest good. It's just that instead of viewing the bill as for you, you have chosen to view it as a bad thing. Whenever you lose your concentration and react to conditions as if they are bad, your inner self will alert you. Because you've been feeling so good for so many days, the negative emotion is especially intense and you really notice it. That is how it is meant to be. You are meant to really notice when you do not feel good so that you can stop and examine the fear. is the fear rational? Of course not. So now your work is to find out how it is good for you so you can get back into alignment as soon as possible.

This is all you ever have to know. Just understand the role your emotional guidance system plays in the navigation of physical reality and you will own the power to create your reality as you see fit.

With our love,
We are Joshua
