Allyson Question #46


Dear Joshua,

I don't watch the news much anymore, but when I do the same question arises: what can I think about as I hear these stories of folks who are just simply not happy and reacting or taking physical harm on others? I heard a story just now and I heard my new approach feel his fear and thought about how I can help... him and/or the victim and victim's family?

The complication feels like it comes in "no wrong" and "for" someone, but I want to find a way to hear it and release it as a most helpful positive healthy healing way.


Dear Allyson,

This is an excellent question because it speaks to your desire to control the environment so that you do not have to feel fear. As you feel fear in the form of negative emotion, you want to fix something in the outside conditions so that you no longer feel the fear. Instead of processing the fear, you prefer that the incident never takes place in the first place and you might even enact rules or laws so that it won't ever happen again. You do this only for the sake of not having to feel fear. However, this is the old approach to life. In the old approach, you try to control the conditions that exist in the outside world rather than simply maintaining your alignment in the first place.

In the new approach to life, you do whatever it takes to maintain your alignment. That means that you do not feel fear in the first place and if and when you do, you process that fear as soon as it comes so that you can regain your alignment. You want to maintain your alignment as much as possible because you understand that all your power comes when you are aligned.

If you cannot process your fear when watching the news, choose not to watch the news. If you hear a story that is distressing, don't try to help the victims or anyone else, simply look at the situation from the same perspective as your inner self. Talk yourself through it: "These people were a vibrational match to the event. The event serves a purpose. I can imagine a purpose, but I really can't know the details. I do know that I am personally not a match to such events. I will not condemn the events, I'll simply leave them out of my reality while allowing others experience whatever they came here to experience. I know that physical reality is simply a playing field, that nothing serious is going on, that there is no death, and that when people choose to transition to their nonphysical home, that is always by choice. I can see that this event has the potential to lead to more love and I am confident that we are all moving from love to fear."

This is how you process fear. This is how you maintain your alignment. Get good at talking to yourself like this and you will remain in alignment more of the time. This is how you tap into your power. Choose to see that there is no wrong and that everything is right, and you will maintain your alignment.

With our love,
We are Joshua
