Allyson Question #45


Dear Joshua,

Why do we have to have so many emotions at the same time? How do we handle so many emotions at the same time?

I'm mad. Angry. Frustrated. Pissed. Annoyed. And on and on the list goes. I'm disappointed with myself. I'm sad. I'm upset. I'm nervous. I'm scared.

I want to be selfish. I want to be joyful. I want to be accepting of others and more importantly of me and where I am ... what gives?

Lovingly submitted at a moment of ultimate - WTH!!


Dear Allyson,

There are only two emotions; love and fear. Love feels good and is aligned with the perspective of your inner self. Fear feels bad and the perspective of fear is out of alignment with the perspective that your inner self has when looking at your life. It is not bad to feel negative emotion. It just means that you're looking at things from a perspective of fear. You think things are going wrong, but it's an illusion. Things are going perfectly right. It's the illusion caused by fear that makes you think something is going wrong. Your inner self can't feel fear and therefore sees the reality of your life. In that reality, everything is good and there is no wrong. In that reality, the true reality of your life, everything is always working out for you.

You have simply adopted the habit of perceiving things as wrong and looking at things from a limited perspective. When you believe that something has gone wrong, you feel fear. This fear comes in the form of some negative emotion. It doesn't really matter what the emotion is. It could be anger, sadness, frustration, etc. It just means that you're looking at something that is presented as an illusion. You are perceiving some danger, when there really is no danger. Your inner self sends you the negative emotion to tell you that you must not believe the illusion. Choose to look at it from a higher perspective and you will see through the illusion. When you find the higher perspective, you will feel relief and that is your indication that you have resolved your fear. Or you could just go to sleep and wake up not feeling the fear any more. That's another way to do it.

Don't you realize that you will feel better at some point? You know that the feeling of anger will dissipate in a little while. What makes the anger soften? Why won't the intensity of the anger stay with you? Because, you cannot maintain your focus on what's wrong for very long. That is unnatural for you. You are a being of love and so feeling fear is off. Your natural set point is love and you naturally rise to feeling good. You have to focus on something in a very negative and limited way to feel negative emotion. Once you give up your focus on what's wrong, you will feel good again. Feeling good is normal. Feeling fear is difficult to sustain for very long.

Remember that you are simply choosing to believe that something is wrong when you feel negative emotion. You can let it linger if you want, but at some point you'll feel better. When you feel bad, you attract thoughts that resonate with how you feel. You create a little momentum and you might even create something unwanted. As soon as you remove your focus from whatever you think is wrong, you'll feel better and you'll start creating what is wanted.

Wouldn't you prefer to create what is wanted rather than what is unwanted? Then focus on feeling good now and choosing a higher perspective now rather than waiting for the negative emotion to go away. You have the power to choose better feeling thoughts and to see whatever is happening from the higher perspective. You can know that everything that comes at you is for your benefit. It's up to you to figure out how everything that comes to you is for you. If you can do this, you will feel better faster and start creating the life you prefer rather than the life that keeps you feeling bad.

With our love,
We are Joshua
