Allyson Question #44


Dear Joshua,

OK, this is a bit 'personal' and slightly embarrassing, but it's been on my mind. I am typically not one to get constipated. But - lordy - I'm all kinds of uncomfortable.

I peeked online as to a metaphysical/spiritual reason and I was not surprised to find responses such as:

"Constipation also indicates lack of expression of one's ideas or feelings for fear of displeasing others, being "wrong," or risking the loss of something or someone."

"Constipation can result from the stress brought on by an inability to let go of a past incident, which importance has since been exaggerated by dark thoughts or feelings of anger, frustration, suspicion, humiliation or jealousy."

"If you suffer from constipation, your body is giving you a powerful message that it's time to let go! Stale ideas and old belief systems will accumulate and eventually poison you, so "out with the old and in with the new!" Feed your mind with fresh thoughts and ideas."

and the end says: Learn to be happy!

On the call on Monday, you asked if anyone was feeling physical things and that was mine, but I didn't particularly want to discuss on the call :o) What's up with me? I feel like I'm growing and things are working and I'm letting go, but this is getting really uncomfortable!

Stuck Student?

Dear Allyson,

All unwanted physical conditions are simply messages indicating a type of resistance or fear. If you will simply understand that there is a bit of resistance in the moment, you can soothe yourself and look at what might be the source of the fear. If you are feeling stuck, that is an illusion, because in a reality where you are changing every moment, you can never be stuck. You are always moving forward and expanding with every experience. Even this experience has caused you to expand.

It is a good idea to perceive the issue not as a problem, but as an indicator of resistance. There is no problem to solve and by mitigating the symptom, you neglect the discovery of the source of the issue. The symptom doesn't matter, it's always the fear or the resistance that you want to understand. If you can see that you've been experiencing negative emotion without properly resolving the fear at the basis of the emotion, you can know why it has manifested into something a bit bigger. The fear manifests first as a negative emotion and if you ignore that long enough, it will manifest in your actually physical reality. It could manifest as a disagreement, an accident, a perceived loss of some kind, or an unwanted physical condition. It will take the path of least resistance.

As soon as the fear leaves you, the issue will leave as well. When the fear is removed, the message is no longer needed and so it fades. However, if the message is perceived as wrong, or as a problem, and you try to fix the problem, you have simply added a new fear and other messages must pop up. The thing to do in minor irritations such as these is to allow yourself time to process the fear and trust that the body will resume its natural functions and return to receiving well-being. If you can do that, you will quickly recover from all such irritations.

This is an excellent question about health in general. Fear is resistance and resistance is the cause of unwanted physical conditions. Ease the fear and the body returns to its normal state of being. Remove all fear and the body will return to optimal health, because there is nothing interfering with the reception of well-being. Understand that you have control over your fears. You can choose to see things as wrong (fear) or you can find a way to see everything as right (love). That is your choice and it is an excellent practice to develop. The more you see things as right, the less resistance you carry in your body. The more you go with the flow, the more easily everything flows. Allow any dissatisfaction or confrontation to roll off your back. Understand that there is nothing to fear. Reduce your need to control people and conditions and let it be good as it is. You need not control everything and as you can plainly see, there's nothing you can do to control most things.

With our love,
We are Joshua
