Allyson Question #41


Dear Joshua,

Over and over this week, I've been thinking about people who have left this reality. Several people, my mother who died when I was 10 (and I'm 60 now) is often on my mind - and I speak to her often - at least in my imagination. Not sure I really hear her, but I can often feel something that I assume is her. Then there is my grandmother (father's mother) who I was incredibly close to and when she passed away about 22 years ago, I recall feeling very little grief. I missed her, but I noticed how I didn't feel she was really 'gone'. And now I understand that a bit more. She is also often around - usually when I'm around flowers as she never left the house without a flower in her hair. So cute! Then there is my grandfather (mother's father) who I was also close to, but he departed this reality when I was about 8 or so. I see his face and feel his presence sometimes, too.

Those were/are my regular supporters.

Recently, I've become emotional in what seems like out-of-nowhere and then several dear friends come to mind quickly. Leigh, Mary Jane, Don, Norb - all very much my cheerleaders in life, my teammates through life lessons, true supporters, and they all left such a strong impression on me for various reasons. They each passed away quietly, I didn't know until later and while I shed a few tears, I also just knew they were around and that they still loved me as I love them. I miss them, but not painfully so.

How do I use these thoughts and feelings? What's the advantage of thinking of them? I suppose they are part of my millions, but is there a reason or purpose to thinking of them, trying to 'speak' with them?

Thank you,

Dear Allyson,

While you might feel like an individual living a physical life alone, you are never alone. You were never meant to think you were alone. You intended to understand that the separation between physical reality and the nonphysical realm is simply an illusion. The ability to communicate with any nonphysical entity you like is the most natural thing in the universe. You were designed to be in constant contact with the nonphysical.

You millions are communicating with you all day, every day. You think these are your own thoughts. They are not. You think you create thought, but you actually receive thought. Who's thoughts are you receiving? Those of your friends, inner self, guides, and supporters. They are communicating with you, but you are not always responding. You are responding sometimes, but that is rare. You hear their messages sometimes, but often you ignore it. You can develop this form of communication if you like. You might find it quite pleasurable. You have not practiced communicating and so it may feel strange in the beginning. There's no need for you to talk out loud, you communicate with your thoughts. Think of a person, ask a question, and the answer will come immediately. There is no time lag, because in the nonphysical the illusion of time does not exist.

What is the purpose of speaking with anyone? To hear their story. To receive new ideas. To gain new perspectives. You talk with us and we're nonphysical. What is the purpose of that? The purpose is pleasure. It's all for fun. You're not achieving anything more than that. Communicate with your friends because it's fun and we believe you will have fun with it.

Anything you ask us, you can ask them. They will answer. You can write down their answer. It will be fun to compare their answers with our answers. Until you're ready for that, you always have us. Therefore, you're always in communication with the nonphysical.

With our love,
We are Joshua
