Seeking Answers?

If you have reached a place in your life where you are seeking more personalized answers to questions regarding your specific life experience, you will be thrilled with Joshua’s One on One live sessions. This is your opportunity to engage in a fascinating and vibration-raising conversation with infinite intelligence. You can talk about anything you like and Joshua will explain things in a way that will illuminate aspects of your life that you cannot see from where you are.

You are living a unique life experience and have a set of beliefs that cause you to view your life from a limited perspective. There is no getting around this fact, it is just how physical reality works. Often, you are unable to see what’s right in front of you. Joshua can view you and your world from the broader, wiser perspective of the nonphysical. They will bring you to a new level of awareness that will allow you to see your life from their perspective. Once this is accomplished, all things are possible.

Your Current View of Your Life is Limited

Your current view of your life is limited by your beliefs and attitudes about yourself, others in your life, and your general approach to life. Your life unfolds based on your vibration which is emitted from the predominance of your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and expectations. If these things change, your world changes as a result. If you feel better, your life magically improves.

How Do You Feel and What Do You Want?

The only thing that really matters in this physical reality is how you feel. Your feelings create your reality. Joshua will help you to feel better about every aspect of your life and your beliefs will be altered. When you can look at things from the higher perspective, you will be able to diminish the intensity of those negative and limiting beliefs that make you feel stuck and which hold you apart from the life you desire.

You create your own reality based on the thoughts you think, the feelings you have, and the beliefs you hold. Whether you are interested in creating loving relationships, taking your career or business to the next level, improving your health and well-being, or moving to another level of spiritual awareness, Joshua’s One on One sessions will help you radically improve your experience of life.

Your Session

The process involves a one-hour live video conversation with Joshua (and Gary) via Skype or Zoom. The conversation is recorded in video and you will receive a copy. You will enjoy the conversation as it happens, but because your vibration is being raised by the energy of the experience, you won’t remember that much of it. However, the recording will allow you to watch the conversation over and over again. With each viewing, you gain more insights and ah-ha moments that will put your life in a new perspective so that real and lasting change can take place.

The cost of each session is $399. Due to time constraints, Gary can only schedule a limited number of sessions each week. If you would like to participate in a Live One on One session with Joshua, please select a date and time.