Wendy Question #8



I get that money will come to me ~ in the amount I need ~ when I need it. What if I want to do something big ~ like remodel my kitchen ~ how do I manifest that kind of money?

With Love and Gratitude,
~ Wendy

Dear Wendy,

You don't manifest the money, you simply manifest the kitchen. If the money is the only way you believe the kitchen will come, then you remove all other possibilities. When wanting something, take the money out of it and just focus on how nice the new kitchen (or whatever) will feel. It's the feeling you think the new kitchen will bring. The money is not important. You do not have the ability to see how all things will come to you. When you try to plan it all out, you restrict so many other possibilities. Just imagine that it will come, just think about how nice it will feel, just appreciate the kitchen you have now, and let the universe do it's job.

As Abraham would say "Don't try to fill in your own grid."
