Wendy Question #59


Dear Joshua,

My son asked me a question and I did my best to answer in the most Joshua way I could - now I would like to get your take on it.

He has developed a habit of intense worry. Something will happen and he will have some thought and then he starts to worry about the subject and spirals himself down into a hole of worry. He has no reason to worry about these things. He feels his life is really good right now and he doesn't want anything to happen to mess any of it up. He is my son, so I see how he is worried about conditions and is trying to control the conditions.

I would love to here your thoughts on this so I can share it with him.

With Love and Gratitude
~ Wendy

Dear Wendy,

Worry is a fear of the future. It is a fear that things will be bad. It does not really matter what exists now, it is a projection caused by uncontrolled thinking and is prevalent in your society. Until he gains some control over the thoughts he thinks, he will continue to worry.

Worry is brought on by the illusion of time and the misunderstanding of the creation process and the concept of the present moment. Do you realize that time is an illusion? You can never be in the future or the past, you are always in the present moment. So then, if you are always in the present moment, there is no need to worry about the future. You create the next moment from this moment and the two flow together based on the Law of Continuity. One moment seems to flow into the next moment and the next moment appears to be similar to the first moment, but it is a completely different moment. In fact, it is a unique dimension of reality. You aren't really moving from moment to moment, but from one dimension to the next. You shift through dimensions based on your vibration. Your vibration draws you into the next dimension that is a match to it. Actually, it is better to say that you bring the dimension to you and you walk right into it.

We would ask your son to meditate. He must get control of his thoughts. If he had a better understanding of the mechanism of physical reality, he might learn to perceive his reality (and is idea about the future) in a way that is more empowering. Right now he believes himself to be a victim of fate and not the creator of his reality. Victims worry more than creators, because they feel they have no control over what's going to happen next. Conscious creators realize that everything is happening for them rather than to them. This perspective eases fears and therefore worries dissipate.

The best thing you can do is become a shinning example of your own alignment and fearlessness. If he can notice the change in you, without you saying a word, he may be inspired to ask you about the changes you have made. Here's the most important part. Until he asks you, you cannot say anything to him. He will not be receptive.

Here's how this works:

He worries. Worry doesn't feel good. After a while he will birth a desire to feel better. He might be inspired to notice you and how you have changed from his perspective. If he does, he might be drawn by his desire to ask you how you made the changes that are apparent to him. From this position of inquiry, he will be receptive to to what you have to say. His beliefs will be open and malleable. He will hear you and the information you impart in this moment will be heard. He will be focused in a way that will allow the information to make it past all previous barriers. He might not act on the information due to his own personal fears and limiting beliefs, but that is neither here nor there. You must wait until he asks you a question. Then and only then will it do any good to impart what you know.

When you offer unsolicited advice, you enter a lower vibration and your urge is to say things designed to make you feel better, not him. From this low-emotional state, your words cannot be heard as intended. You will not likely find the right words at all. You will actually bring focus to what is not wanted and this doesn't do any good other than add to the momentum of worry. Avoid offering unsolicited advice to anyone.

The best thing you can do to help anyone is become an example of what is possible when you create the habit of choosing the higher perspective. When you feel good, it radiates outward and those who are in the vicinity of finding a solution will attract you into their lives. They will be inspired to say something and if they can push through their fears and actually ask you a question, you will be inspired to answer and your words will radiate with love and they will hear you.

With our love,
We are Joshua
