Wendy Question #52


Dear Joshua,

Thank you for our last call ~ best one yet! After listening to the call again, I realized my passion is loving! I love to love those around me and take care of them. At this point in my life, this is not a full time gig!

I'd like to explore with you the ways to build on this and incorporate it into everything I do. I now get that I truly am a being of pure positive love and acceptance and I am striving to make this my norm, more and more.

How can I turn this into a "job/career?" Am I wrong to want to monetize this on some level? Am I missing the point here? I guess what I'm looking for is more ~ more ways to express myself in this way.

I hope this makes sense. You always seem to know what it is I'm asking better than I do myself!!

With Love and Gratitude
~ Wendy

Dear Wendy,

We are able to see things from a higher perspective. From your perspective, involved in physical reality and living your life on a daily basis, it is more difficult to see the broader picture. All we are ever doing is showing you what the higher perspective looks like.

You are a limitless being of pure positive love and acceptance. That is who you really are. That is who everyone really is. If you could be that fully in your life as a human living a physical existence, you would be the embodiment of your inner self. You would be completely blended with your inner self. You would live as a being of love.

To live fully as a being of love would be the highest expression of who you are in the nonphysical and living that way in the physical realm. You would be limitless. You could have, be, and do anything because you would have no fear and therefore offer no resistance. So the key to being who you are is to be fearless and offer no resistance. If you could do that, you would be quite powerful indeed. Therefore, what you want to do is have control over your fears. The way to control your fears is to become consciously aware of them, analyze them, prove they're false, and push past them to do what you're inspired to do. The only way to do this is by feeling good. So feeling good must become the focus of your life.

As long as you can bring yourself to feel good now, everything you truly want will unfold. You do not have to plan anything or look for answers. It doesn't work this way. You can't ask someone else what you should do to express your love, because that information must come to you from inside. You are self-contained. Looking for answers in the outer world cannot work. Yes, we as Joshua exist in this form in your outer world. We can give you guidance in the form of new perspectives, but we can never give you answers like that. Those will come from within.

Your job is to keep feeling good and strive to feel better. Then you will start to look around as you're doing now. From a good-feeling place you will want to find ways to express how you are feeling. You will get ideas. You will receive new thoughts. You will try to figure things out. That's what's happening right now.

You have come to realize that you are a being of love. You felt best when you were loving your children. You want to feel that again, but you're not sure how to do it. This is very good. Now it's time to listen to your thoughts and mull over the ideas you are receiving. Which one is most appealing? Which one seems most interesting? Don't try to figure anything out. Don't worry about the money yet. All of that will come. All you have to do is decide what will be the first step, not the first twenty steps. Just take one step and then see what the next step is from there.

You have a certain vibration that you are emitting right now. When you are fully immersed in a passion, your vibration will be substantially different than it is now. From where you are now, you cannot possibly see what you will be like then. Your vibration is too different. Each step will alter your vibration just enough so that you can see the next step, not the end of the road. All you want to do is take a step and then find the next logical step.

Those who create the life they prefer do so one step at a time. Those who never get started become paralyzed by fear before they ever take the first step. They think too far ahead and of corse this looks scary. They are trying to imagine being someone very different from who they are at the beginning of the journey. Each step changes the person and they evolve from one step to the next.

Try not to think too far ahead. Try not to determine what obstacles will be presented. Obstacles will come, but you will be ready for them when they do come. You aren't ready for them now, so as you try to imagine them, you can't cope with them and you shy away from the path simply out of fear.

You can do anything, you can be who you want to be, you can have everything you want, but only by moving toward it one step at a time. It doesn't matter what the first step is. It's only one step. Take a step in any direction and from there you can move to any other step. But you must take a step. Think about what you truly want and then think about those ideas that inspire you to take some action. Then just take the action, whatever it is. This will lead you to something else. Remember, it isn't you who is figuring this all out; it's the universe. The universe knows exactly what you want. You really don't know. All you can do is receive inspiration and act on it. The inspiration will lead you on your journey step by step.

An important thing to remember is that it's the journey that is the fun part, not the finish line. You really do not want to finish and you really are never finished. You are simply evolving. You're evolving now as you participate in this conversation with us. You have already began your journey and you have gotten to this next step. Just like any other step, you have choices. You can go in any direction from here. Simply choose the next logical step.

