Wendy Question #42


Dear Joshua,

So we had a wonderful call this morning. It has been raining so I watched a movie and now that it has stopped raining I decided to take the dogs to the dog park.

Even though it will probably be super muddy - ok - I can deal with it and the dogs have been really rambunctious so it will be good for us all to get out. I go out to start the car I use for the dog park, which is an old car of ours, and it won't start - dead battery.

All of a sudden, my mood completely changed. Suddenly I'm down and depressed and nothing seems to be right! How can this happen so quickly? How can one little thing like this throw me so far off? I'm guessing there is something more here that I am missing.

I am reaching for the better feeling thought and I know I will get there, but why did I tank so easily and quickly? I mean I am really down. I actually feel a tinge of a headache starting!!

With Love and Gratitude
~ Wendy

Dear Wendy,

What a wonderful manifestation event. Imagine flying high and feeling good and all of a sudden out of nowhere, something bad happens. What do you think is happening? Resistance to the moment. That's all it is. You now have an excellent example and from now on, you can look at every moment like this one with clarity.

You were feeling good. That means your perspective was fully aligned with your inner self. You received inspiration to take the dogs to the dog park. Excellent. You are following your inspiration. Your inspired actions will lead you to where you want to go. Your inspired action told you to put the dogs in the old car. Everything is going perfectly up to this point. Then the car wouldn't start. Another perfect manifestation. How wonderful the system of physical reality is! It all played out perfectly.

You went from feeling good to experiencing a negative emotion and you really noticed it. Some people would not notice it as clearly as you did. That is very good. What did the negative emotion tell you? It was a signal letting you know that your perspective is not aligned with how your inner self sees the very same situation. Your perspective is limited and is not aligned with the perspective you would have if you were the version of you that was ready for your desire to manifest. The current version of you is resistant. You are resisting this very situation and calling it wrong. You think the dead battery was a bad thing, but in reality, it was a very good thing. Had you already raised you vibration and altered your beliefs so that the version of you was ready for all that you want, you would not have felt negative emotion in this moment.

That's the difference between the current version of you who experiences physical pain and the future version of you who experiences well-being and perfect health. You see the dead battery as wrong, while the evolved version of you sees it as right. In order for you to become who you want to be, you will have to see events like this one as right.

Now, how do you choose a perspective that allows you to see this event as right? How is a dead battery good. What is the meaning in the event? See if you can find the perspective that allows this event to be good and right. Write down a few ideas and send them to us in your next question.

Write down the irrational fear you felt that is at the base of a limiting belief. Analyze the fear and provide evidence that it is false. Send us what you think the fear is and your proof that it is irrational and false.

