Wendy Question #18


Dear Joshua,

You talk about me moving out of fear and into love. What does this look like on a daily basis?

With love and Gratitude
~ Wendy

Dear Wendy,

Fear makes life seem heavy. Love makes life seem easy and light. Fear causes you to react. Love allows you to respond. You react out of fear and judge that something is wrong or bad. You respond out of love and find the good and right in anything. Fear is a habit, while love is a choice.

You have lived your life in fear up to this very moment in time. It was your approach to life. Living in love is the new approach we talk about. Living in fear makes you look at life from a limited perspective. You must control the conditions when you live in fear. You must guard against hardship and perceived threats. Living in love allows the conditions to be perfect as they are and always improving. Living in love is the acceptance of what is and the acknowledgement of your control over how you choose to feel based on your choice of perspective.

The control you seek comes from controlling your perception of reality. Choose a lovebased perception and your world shifts to reflect this new way of perceiving everything around you. You current perspective is fear-based. You are trying to control the outside conditions by calling them wrong and trying to fix them. This cannot and will not work, because your point of focus is clearly on that which you perceive as bad. When you do that, the stuff you think is bad becomes more prevalent in your reality.

You wake up in the morning. Due to a lifetime of momentum, you start with a resistant vibration. This vibration attracts thoughts that match it. What thoughts match resistance? Anything you think is wrong. You feel like you have little control over your thoughts and as soon as you wake, the first thoughts you attract are unpleasant, and so you receive a migraine. Why does your body respond to the negative thought with pain? Because you have ignored the negative emotion for so long that the body must find something stronger to alert you to your habit of thought.

You attract negative thought due to your resistant vibration. If you are not paying attention, you just assume that you are choosing to think these thoughts. What's really happening is that these thoughts are streaming to you, but you have a choice. You can choose to think better-feeling thoughts. You can reach for higher-vibrational thoughts any time you realize what's happening. You have little control over the conditions that exist in the present moment, but you have a lot of control over the thoughts you think and the perspective from which you discern life.

Having no awareness of this concept, you allowed yourself to entertain thoughts that were not empowering. Now that you understand that the thoughts you think play an important role in the life you live, you can now choose to reach for better-feeling thoughts as soon as you wake up. Be prepared to exercise your mind. When you wake, notice your first thoughts and if they are negative, replace them with better-feeling thoughts. This is the work of moving from fear to love.

When you have a negative thought, it is based in fear and it is irrational. It is important to look at that thought, realize it's irrational, understand it's not empowering, and choose a new thought or a new way of looking at the subject. If you wake up with a migraine, don't begrudge the fact that you are in pain, rather see it as a message alerting you to some resistance and focus on things in your life you love and appreciate. This mental exercise takes a bit of practice. Simply do the analysis and pivot to another thought anytime you become aware of a negative thought. You aren't being silly, you are consciously creating your life. The thoughts you think are the cornerstones of the life you are wanting to build.

