Steve Question #97


Dear Joshua,

I was having a little fun riding down the road on my motorcycle this evening and going faster than the speed limit. At one point, I noticed my thoughts went to the possibility of a speeding ticket. This concerned me because I didn't want to place my focus on that because that would only attract that manifestation into my life, so I quickly changed my focus back to enjoying the ride. But then I thought "Wait a second, doesn't everything happen for me?" This seems to be contradictory. On one hand, I can attract unwanted things into my reality based on my focus on unwanted things, but everything that happens in my life is also for my benefit? So in this particular case, had I continued to "worry" about getting a speeding ticket and then manifested said speeding ticket, this would have been for my benefit?

Your perspective would be greatly appreciated :)


Dear Steve,

Everything is right. There is no wrong anywhere in the universe. What you judge as good or bad, right or wrong, is done so from your limited perspective. From broader perspective, everything is always right.

Your thoughts are the first manifestation of your vibration. In this case you thought about getting a speeding ticket. If this thought is a manifestation that comes forth from your vibration, what does it tell you about your vibration? You are vibrating the desire for safety, for life, for joy, for seeing your family, for well-being. The thought came forth as a result of your vibration. It is the first manifestation. Had you ignored this thought, the manifestations would have become more obvious. You might have had an engine malfunction or a flat tire. Or you might have seen another motorist being given a ticket. You might have even gotten a ticket yourself.

Your overall desire to live, to be safe, to be healthy, created this thought which slowed you down and kept you within the feeling of safety. It may not have actually kept you safe. It is very likely that you could have been safe at even greater speeds, but it gave you the feeling of riding and being safe and that is the feeling that was emanating from your vibration. You want to enjoy the ride and be safe and this thought created that condition.

You believe the thought of the cop giving you the ticket could actually come true if you kept thinking that thought. This is not really the case. You must become a vibrational match to the cop in order to actually get a ticket. You become a match in really one of two ways. You either think tickets are good and you want a ticket or you think tickets are wrong and you should not be given a ticket (nor should anyone else).

When you believe something is fundamentally good and right for you, then you can attract that into your reality. When you believe that something is fundamentally wrong for you and everyone else, you attract more of that into your reality. Just thinking the thoughts doesn't necessarily cause it to manifest. So that's why you need not monitor your thoughts for fear of attracting what you do not want. If you do not want to attract anything unwanted, simply stop seeing anything unwanted as wrong. This is the best method we know of and this is why we say that everything is right.

When you believe that the government has too many policemen giving too many tickets, you attract traffic tickets. If you believe that there is exactly the right amount of cops giving the right amount of tickets, you adopt a stance that allows your experience to be free of tickets. Do you see how this works? If you can see that the cops are doing good in general, you remain in the stance of neutrality and this unwanted aspect of life will pass you by. When you maintain the attitude that the system works and you shall simply participate in the aspects of it that you enjoy while leaving out the rest, then from that position only the best parts of the environment can show up in your reality.

It is simply your focus of attention that brings things into your reality. When something good captures your attention and you want to bring that experience into your life, then it must come as long as you allow it. When you focus your attention on something you believe is wrong, then you will bring an aspect of that into your life.

Your thoughts are the first evidence of manifestation. They are insights into your vibration. As you adjust your thoughts, you adjust your vibration. The evidence of an adjusted vibration is an improved thought and an improved feeling. If you are worried about something, a thought of worry is the first manifestation or indicator of a vibration that is not aligned with what you want. When you feel for a thought that feels better and the result is a feeling of relief or any other better feeling, you have successfully improved your vibration. This is the only work you need to do and in time it will become a very heathy habit.

