Steve Question #8


Dear Joshua,

Here's a simple scenario that I think mimic's many area's in my life. I really like to go fast on my motorcycle. Society labels this as dangerous and I would agree with that for most people. However, I am of the belief that I know what I'm doing and I feel I am relatively safe while doing it. I am aware that you can get a ticket for doing this and that is one of the risks. I fear the consequences of getting a ticket, having to pay the fine and the increased insurance costs. I want to reduce/resolve this fear.

I know the fear goes away if I just go the speed limit. But I think this is the easy way out and I've learned nothing about changing my beliefs and I don't get to have fun. So to take a higher perspective - I create my reality - I will create opportunities to speed when it's safe and there will be no police around in those situations to ticket me. I will recognize these opportunities when they come up because I will be in a good mood to start with and I will feel the inspiration to speed and I will know I can trust this urge is guidance from my inner self. While I'm speeding I will focus purely on the positive feelings and not introduce fear or doubt into the equation. This all would require deliberate intent on my part to change my beliefs and I would be overcoming my fear. And as a bonus I get to continue doing the thing I love.

Is this a valid way to reduce my fear in this situation? In a way, I believe I am asking if I can make my own rules to the game? Can "consequences" be removed from the equation by removing the belief of the possibility of the consequence from ever happening?

Really appreciate this!

Dear Steve,

What you are describing is the power of focus. You are right, you can be, do, and have anything you want in this reality if you can align with it. Aligning with anything is simply the ability to think about it from the higher perspective which means there is no fear or doubt mixed in with your positive thoughts on the subject at hand.

Let's say you want to ride your motorcycle at 100 mph on the highway. If you have the ability to focus your thoughts on the positive aspects of this action, without fear or doubt, you will be safe and avoid tickets. Do you realize what you are really doing in this state of intense focus? You are blending with your inner self. You are allowing guidance to come from within. You are seeing things from the higher perspective. You are deliberately creating your own reality.

In the nonphysical, you will use your mind to create whatever you fancy in the moment. You might focus here on earth and due to the Law of Continuity, you might decide to focus on a motorcycle race. As soon as you have the desire for this, you are watching the race through the eyes of the fans or even the racers themselves. You can do anything from your nonphysical perspective. Anything you think of materializes instantly. You always think of what you want. Why would you not? You instantly get everything you want in the nonphysical. That's because, in the nonphysical, your thoughts manifest instantly. Therefore, you never allow yourself to think of anything unwanted because that too would manifest instantly.

In physical reality, you can think of some things that are unwanted, which is what you would call worry, doubt, and fear. You're not too concerned about thinking these unwanted thoughts because you don't think they will really manifest. And usually they don't. In this reality, you receive the predominance of your thought in the manifestation of your reality. If you mostly think thoughts of what you want, you mostly receive those things.

Now we can talk about your beliefs, because it's your beliefs that control most of what you think about. Your reality in caged by your beliefs. You can live as fully as you believe you can but no more so. For instance, you believe you can speed and be safe from accidents and tickets up to a point. These speeds might not be the same. You know you can go really fast without an accident, but you don't believe you can go that fast without receiving a ticket. And at the really high speeds that you want to go, you believe that you could even get arrested.

You can do whatever you like without consequences to the limit of your beliefs. It is really your beliefs that allow you to focus free of fear and doubt. Here's how that works.

If you believe that going 100 mph on the highway is safe and even if you did get a ticket, you would just incur monetary consequences, which you can handle, and you think that that speed is satisfying enough, then you are more or less in line with your beliefs. As you ride your motorcycle at this speed and you feel exhilarated, you are alined with your inner self. Everything is working. You are able to enjoy yourself and revel in the experience free of fear and doubt. You will be safe in this circumstance as you are effectively creating your reality within the structure of your current set of beliefs.

However, if you feel you can be safe at 100 mph, but this speed bores you and you want to ride at 120 mph, you are then in conflict with your beliefs and you will create your reality from this stance. Now you want to go faster, but your belief states that 120 mph is an unacceptable risk. You will have difficulty aligning with your inner self because your limiting beliefs bring in fear and doubt.

So what are you to do? You must find a way to expand your beliefs to allow for the increase in speed, or you must find an alternative. Somehow, you will either expand your beliefs or you will have to find satisfaction within your existing beliefs.

Let's say it is important to you to push the boundaries of your existing beliefs and create a new, expanded belief. You want to now travel as 120 mph on the highway. How can you expand the limiting nature of your belief that this action is too risky? It can be done, yet you'll have to realize that the fear is a rational fear meaning it's life threatening. But people face and overcome rational fears all the time. How do they do it?

The means to overcome any fear is to incorporate a device. Imagine that someone wants to jump out of an airplane, but he fears falling to earth. He uses a device called a parachute. This allows him to do the thing he wants to do and still be safe because his belief has been altered enough to allow him to jump out of the airplane.

But just using the parachute may not be enough to fully alter his beliefs, so he also incorporates a device called evidence. He can read about all the statistics that show skydiving to be a relatively safe sport. This expands his belief even further. But he still has fear so he employs another device called training and practice. Through training and practice, he gains confidence. Confidence offsets fear to the degree that he can bring himself you jump out of the airplane solo and enjoy the experience.

The key is to enjoy the experience. Had he simply used the device of the parachute and not expanded his beliefs through research and training, his first solo jump might have been terrifying and not enjoyable at all. So the training and research led to an enjoyable, aligned experience.

There is another matter to consider. Imagine that his parents were against his desire and forbade him from skydiving. If he respected his parents' wishes and did not skydive in order to please them, he would feel inner conflict because he is not allowing himself to pursue his desire. Yet, if he ignored his parents' wishes and chose to skydive anyway, he would also feel inner conflict which might prevent him from achieving alignment. So, you see, there are many factors to consider.

It is the alignment you must work out prior to engaging in any activity. If you are able to be clear about what it is you want to do, you can do anything. However, if you feel fear, doubt, or worry, you must understand that you have uncovered a limiting belief. If the fear is rational, then the limiting belief is there to keep you alive and we might say that the fear is a good thing.

Now think about what you want in other areas of your life and see if you are aligning with those things. Are you free from fear, doubt, and worry? If so, you'll proceed in a way that allows for the full and elegant manifestation of your desire. If not, then you'll need to expand your beliefs by employing one or more devices. If the fear is irrational, then you must move through it and allow yourself to lower the intensity of your limiting beliefs. If your fear is rational, then you must be in full and complete alignment before you attempt the action.

Align with what you desire by altering your beliefs enough so that you may incorporate focus to see the positive aspects of what you're doing. Then you will merge with your inner self and receive the inspiration to proceed and continued guidance while engaging in the action. This is what true alignment is.

